articles/ Hair Health Quiz and Hair care

Hair Health Quiz and Hair care

Reviewed by: Dr Madhuranjan
We all have that one friend that has the most gorgeous hair that makes us go in awe and a bit jealous too, I won’t lie about that. When you ask them, what is the secret behind such flawless hair, all they are going to reply to you with is ‘They’re like this naturally, I don’t do anything’. My advice to you is, don’t believe that girl.

She is most certainly taking care of hair by following a proper hair care routine. Okay maybe she isn’t but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are going to help yourself and your hair by following a hair care routine so you can also have the most beautiful hair that anyone has ever seen. Also, it feels good when your hair gets complimented.

One day I was browsing the internet when I landed on this one hair quiz. After I had answered all the questions, I was frantically waiting for its result and when it came I got to know that I am not taking proper care of my hair.

Want to know if your hair is healthy? Answer the following questions!
  1. Do you blow dry your hair after every wash? (Yes / No)
  2. How often do you apply oil to your hair? (Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Once a year)
  3. Do you wash your hair daily? (Yes / No)
  4. Do you apply heat protectant serum on your hair before using any hot tools? (Yes / No)
  5. Have you ever dyed your hair? (Yes / No)
  6. How much hair do you lose daily approximately? (100 strands / 1000 strands)
If the result of your quiz is that you have unhealthy hair then don’t you worry! We have got this covered for you. There are some tips and tricks that can help you get that shine in your hair back in just a few days.

But keep in mind, only if you remain consistent then you will notice an improvement in your hair’s health. So let’s get into it!

Wash Your Hair; the Proper Way
One of the biggest mistakes that we all do is not wash our hair the correct way. Most of us think that washing your hair daily will make it healthy no that is completely and utterly wrong. This will only make your scalp dry.

Let me tell you how you need to wash your hair! Instead of washing daily, skip a day or two before every wash. Apply some coconut oil or olive oil in your hair and massage your scalp an hour before hopping in the shower. This will make your hair soft and shiny.

Another important thing to note is that never use hot water to wash your hair. Always use lukewarm or cold water to wash it.

Invest Your Money in the Right Tools
Don’t get fooled to buy the local heating tools which are cheap in price. You won’t get any good results and your hair will end up getting damaged too. Instead of spending money on the wrong tools, spend it on something that will do well with your hair.

Apply heat protectant on your hair before using any heating tools to prevent them from getting damaged.

You can also check out this review on the best hair curlers to find one of the most suitable and affordable curling irons for your hair.

Pat Instead Of Rubbing
This is the most common mistake that we all do. I am sure that not many people know this that rubbing towel on your hair to soak them can damage your hair. Instead of rubbing the towel on your hair, pat it on the hair to get rid of the excess amount of water.

Use a microfiber towel instead of terrycloth towel as the latter would only make your hair tangled and frizzy.

Protect Your Hair before Jumping In the Pool
We all know that pool water contains harsh chemicals that can damage our hair so why do we not even think twice before jumping into the pool?

Make sure that you apply a little amount of conditioner or any hair serum before going for swimming to protect them from any further damage. Same is the case with sunlight. Protect your hair from the UVA and UVB rays by apply hair serum before going outside.

These are some of the tips and tricks that can help your hair from getting damaged. You can also make hair masks at home or even buy ready-made hair masks from any cosmetics store and apply it on your hair to get thick and healthy hair!

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