articles/How to Cope With Juvenile Arthritis in Teens
How to Cope With Juvenile Arthritis in Teens
Having juvenile arthritis can be especially challenging as you enter your teen years. Coping is especially important during these times, both mentally and physically!
Having juvenile arthritis can be especially challenging as you enter your teen years. Coping is especially important during these times, both mentally and physically!
Sub Topic 1: Stay informed
Learn as much about your arthritis as you can. Teachers and other students may question whether you really have arthritis or if you are just trying to avoid regular tasks. Having specific details and being able to name your medications can be helpful. The more information you can give, the more people are likely to believe you. "Dr. Smith has diagnosed me as having polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and has prescribed this list of medications." sounds better than, "Oh yeah, I got arthritis."
Last Updated:
4/30/2014 1:08:27 PM
Sub Topic 2: Smile and stay positive
Don't let your arthritis control your life. Make sure people know you as more than just "the kid with arthritis". You can still be a girly-girl, rocker, punk, or jock - arthritis is on the side.
Last Updated:
4/30/2014 1:09:02 PM