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Late period after sexual contact be implantation bleeding?

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Hi i have a issue tht i have been very worried abt. Im 21 and a virgin but i had sexual contact with my boyfriend between the 23rd and 26th of private area and his private area touched for a bit with no clothes on it was for abt a minute but there was no ejaculation and i dnt think there was pre cum. There was finger penetration and when there was ejaculation on my hand i washed my hands with soap. But of course theres this uncertainty and paranoia of questions like if i used the same towel as him or not.. My last period was on the 5th of july and it came on the 4th of august. Im worried because it came a bit later then it should have and is not as heavy flow as always but because i have been extremely stressed at the thought of pregnancy or anything happening from the foreplay, i also took a very high dosage of vitmin C for the period to come faster during the 2nd and 3rd of august. I took 4 vitamin c s in one day each 1000 mgs and 2000 mgs on the other days so im wondering if this is why my periods not the same as usual. Also its the first time i went this far with a guy, so my body was new to these feelings. I took a pregnancy test one day after my period came which was on the 5th of august, but it came negative. My concern is that when i googled things, it said implantation bleeding so im worried now if this blood is my period or implantation bleeding and tht if my pregnancy test was too soon to be accurate..? ( I took the test 10 days since the time me and him had physical contact.) My period started off red and then it got a bit darker by yesterday which is the 4th day. But there was barely any blood yesterday until today which is the 5th day, there was a darker blotch..darker then the first 2 days and not flowy like the days before. Also i only change my pads once everyday cause its not as much as it usually is. Pls find the images attached of my period because i want to know if i should be worried and paranoid abt all of this..?! I have never been stressed like this before. Thank you.

Category: OBGYN

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 27 Doctors Online

Patient replied :

Here is the update regarding my previous message. I did the 2nd pregnancy test which was 18 days since physical contact since you said 10 days was too soon to take the test. The 2nd test came out negative as well. So now I want to know if you think the time I did the 2nd test which was 18 days after physical contact would give an accurate result?


Yes it would be quite accurate now.

Rest assured that you are NOT pregnant.

All the best.

Patient replied :

Dear Dr,
You probably think I’m crazy for sending you another doubtful message but please bear with me. There are so many things I am learning about my body that I haven’t known about before regarding my menstrual cycle, my private area etc. Unfortunately, almost anything I’ve been feeling or sensing lately, I automatically am relating it to pregnancy and after this feeling I have, I have learnt my lesson to never put myself in this position even if I have never had sex.

If I have doubts, I try to read things off the internet to provide me with answers for my worries and concerns, but the internet gives 1000’s of diagnostics which confuse me more not to mention it goes to extreme cases.

1st concern: I took my 3rd and hopefully last pregnancy test, 29 days after physical contact and it came out negative, including the 2 other tests which were 18 days after physical contact and the 1st one which was 10 days after physical contact. However, in my 3rd pregnancy test (refer to image) does the line on the test not being right in the middle make a difference?

2nd concern: I’ve been having abdominal pain recently for abt a week or so, its sometimes around my stomach or tummy, usually on the right side but moves around, nothing severe but also have gases which are sometimes not always, hard to let out, usually at night. My diet is the same even though it’s not great since I’m having 1 big meal a day, urination is normal and so is pooping, does this relate to anything I should worry about? Ectopic pregnancy or any form of pregnancy?

3rd concern: My main big paranoia is what if my period was implantation bleeding, I know you saw the pics but compared to my usual it was slightly lighter and not heavy as always. I keep thinking that since the last day of physical contact was July 26th and I got my period on the 4th of August, maybe it wasn’t enough time for the "period" to discharge/prevent any potential egg from being fertilized and implanted..?
Even tho I didn't have sex and my "period" came 2 days late. So for my own knowledge, if it was implantation bleeding, how long after would a pregnancy test be accurate? Am I in the safe?

4th concern: I have been having this white discharge (refer to pic) for quite a while, ofc now that I’m paying a lot of attention cause Im worried, I realized it and am curious to know what it is and a transparent discharge, as if its water on my panties for a few days in a row. Is this all normal? The internet gave me the option of pregnancy once again or also ovulation.

I will avoid the internet, but just for my own knowledge, even if it doesn’t apply to my case, I would appreciate the explanations to my concerns so that I have peace of mind once and for all. This has probably been the most terrifying experience of my life and since I live in an arab country, I cannot ask people openly or see any OBGYN especially because my parents are very closed minded.

Thanks a lot for your help and time.

Hi again,

Am really glad to hear from you.

Please feel no embarrassment , or concerns, in addressing questions to me.
I am here to answer all your queries, and I am pleased and honoured if you place your trust in me.

Let me address your concerns in the order in which you have posed them, to avoid confusion -

1. Firstly, as I said, the physical contact described by you has no chance of resulting in a pregnancy. 29 days after the act is definitely confirmatory, if a pregnancy was there , it would surely have been diagnosed. I have gone through the picture of the strip that you sent,and yes, the pregnancy test is NEGATIVE.

2. Mild gas sensations and bloating are common, and happen to all of us all the time. It is NOT AT ALL indicative of any form of pregnancy. Even an ectopic pregnancy would show up as positive on the strip test.

3. Please rule out the possibility of implantation bleeding completely, as by now, if the bleeding had been implantation bleeding, the urine strip test would have been positive. You are completely in the safe, please dont worry about it.

4. Mild amount of discharge is quite common at certain times of the menstrual cycle. It no way indicates pregnancy or ovulation. Also, ovulation is a normal phenomenon, and nothing to be worried about, Considering your last period was on 4th of August, you would have ovulated last week, so the discharge is normal. Also, if the discharge is not accompanied by itching or a foul smell, even infection is not a possibility

Yes, please avoid " research " over the Internet - it will scare you, and with half knowledge, you will only be afraid, anxious and ultimately ruin your health with worry.

However, in case you do have any doubts or worries, please feel free to ask as many questions as you wish.

All the best dear.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
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