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Doctor I don't know if this is genital herpes, some other condition, or nothing to worry about. I'm gonna try to list the key facts for you easily:

1) Had unprotected sex almost a week ago (last Friday June 6th) and today is Saturday June 14th.

2) No sores, blisters, inflammation, red spots, raised spots on penis, or anything noticeable

3) Saw family doctor on Thursday (June 5th) for examination. Said no symptoms of std.

4) Informed doctor of possible prodromal feelings beginning possibly Tuesday or Weds (June 10-11). Said not to worry about it.

5) Possible prodromal symptoms were possibly increased sensitivity to penis to cloth, possibly tingling (unsure if anxiety was damaging accurate self-diagnosis). Sensation was not intense. Sporadic. Merely background. Would occasionally pinch or touch genital region through pants to relieve feelings. Once again, unsure if just mind playing with me. Sensation was top left of penile shaft right under head (but not affecting head) and possibly right. So in a sense, localized.

6) Feels like tiny ulceration on middle right of penile shaft; noticed it yesterday; shape is not round actually more like a paper cut shape (linear like). length likely to be 3mm perhaps at most (and this is a stretch, no pun intended) 5mm or 0.5 cm. Painful only when touching. Area around not painful. No feelings of radiating pain (i.e. like burning radiating sensation). No blistering previously noticed. Color is same dark color as around penis.

7) No flu-like symptoms. Tired but alternative explanations like not getting enough sleep due to busy schedule and worrying at night about condition. Unsure if swollen lymph nodes. Touched it, didn't appear out of place.

8) Currently previous localized possibly prodromal feelings all over penis has subsided.

Possible alternative explanations:

Washed penis vigorously after sex multiple times that night (3). Washed genital region at least once a day. Touch open ulceration frequently throughout today and yesterday. Stretched penis while flaccid frequently to examine during the prodromal stage because of anxiety. Have been masturbating regularly with vaseline though from sex day to yesterday. Multiple times (average 1-2/day).

Possible mild case of genital herpes? Or is this something else. Already being tested for syphillis, hiv, and hepatitis. Have not done chlamydia or gonnorhea test and have no discharge. Not painful to urinate.

Asked woman if she has any STIs. Denied it. Unsure if lying. One night stand. Don't know her at all.

Diagnosis? Recommendation? Possibly mild case of genital herpes? Or not at all?

Somewhat unrelated but to assuage fears. Are statistics extremely low of transmission? Seems like getting genital herpes from woman very low due to 1) whether she was infected with HSV (middle aged 20s woman; 2) even if had HSV-2 whether she was having an outbreak; and 3) transmission rates are low.

Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

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Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
 20 Doctors Online


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I have gone through your query and pictures in detail. The additional photo was very helpful. The small area that you mention is a fissure(cut). It does NOT seem to be any STI including genital herpes. It seems to be due to friction as a result of vigorous washing and rubbing.

After an exposure such as yours, I understand that you have fears of getting an STI but let me assure that you do not have any symptom indicating it. The tingling and discomfort is due to anxiety. I have seen this symptom in almost all patients fearing an STI but none have tested positive so far. Since your tests are also negative, you should relax.

I would recommend application of mupirocin cream(requires prescription) mixed with hydrocortisone cream, to be applied on the affected area twice a day for five days.

In case it doesn't resolve with treatment it would be best to visit your doctor to let him have a look.

As for statistics of genital herpes, there is a risk of transmission of about 50 % if your partner was infected. The risk is lower without active lesions. However in your case, it is unlikely you have it.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care.

Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar
Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
Diploma in Dermatology - Royal College Of Physicians & Surgeons Of Glasgow, UK , 2010
Residency - DNB, Dermatology -  K.J Somaiya Hospital, Mumbai, 2009
Medical School & Internship - MBBS - Dr. D . Y . Patil Medical College, Mumbai, 2004
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