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Acute Gastritis with previous pancreatitis.

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I was admitted to the hospital with acute pancreatitis. After 8 days i was discharged as my lipase and amylase were returning back to normal gradually. CET Abdomen was also done which read "the pacreas shows mild difuse hypo enhancement with hypo attenuation. There are mild peri pancreatic inflammatory changes without any areas of fat necrosis extending into anterior para renal spacrs. No definite pseudo-cyst formation or focal necrosis is seen. The findings are suggestive of acute oedematous pancreatitis with modified CT severity index of 2/10". This was done on 26th august before being discharged. I repeated LFT and lypase and amylase on 10th october and it had further gone normal. The readings were Amylase= 81 (ref range 28 to 100). Lypase= 54 (ref range < 67). LFT was normal as well. However on 13th october the pain started again on the upper right quadrant of the abdomen in the night. Since then a slight continuous pain persists. I had eaten some fried stuff on 13th october afternoon. Kindly suggest what needs to be done as i am scared that it might be recurrence of the same situation. I have been strictly on light diet since i came back from hospital.

Delhi India

Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 29 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.

I went through your post about pancreatitis in August and onset of right upper quadrant pain on October 13th.

Since gallbladder has been removed, it is unlikely to be gallbladder pain.
So the possibilities are peptic ulcer, recurrence of pancreatitis or hepatitis.

Peptic ulcer pain is usually intermittent gnawing pain relived with food intake.
Pancreatitis pain is usually severe and is continuous.
Hepatitis pain is usually a dull dragging pain.

I would suggest you to take prilosec once daily before breakfast.
If there is no relief, then you may have to undergo few tests like ultrasound scan of the abdomen, amylase, lipase and an upper GI endoscopy.
If you have the habit of drinking, you need to stop it as it is most common precipitating factor for pancreatitis.

I hope that answers your question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.

Patient replied :

Hi Doctor,

Thanks for your reply! I did LFT and lypase and amylase test on 10th october. The results were normal. On 13th october morning i took some halwa and puri and then i had rice and dal inthe afternoon. On 13th night ihad a pain. Can the parameters change on within 2days? Plus i have done endoscoy and colonoscoy 1.5 onths back. That time i took a 14 day kit for h-pylori bacteria. Also i did a USG yesterday and the report reads "Grade 1 fatty liver andxgaseous distention of bowel loops" As i am writing right now i feel a sudden pain at the right back which is for seconds and then goes. It keeps on coming back again and again. Plus when i eat, stomach becomes heavy. I take only rice and gaud.

Pls suggest



Thanks for providing the additional information.

It is less likely to be another attack of pancreatitis.
You have dyspeptic symptoms.

Avoid spice, masala and oily stuff. ( Try to avoid halwa and puri till you get relieved of the symptoms).
Take C.Ganaton Total once daily in the morning before breakfast for 4 weeks.

Fatty liver could be due to alcohol intake ( you have not mentioned whether you drink alcohol), diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol. So check your blood glucose and cholesterol levels. If you are obese, try to reduce weight.

Please let me know if I can assist you further.

Patient replied :

Thanks Doctor, Sorry I couldn't give full information earlier.
i used to drink but occasionaly and that too i have stopped since i was first diagnosed for Acute pancreatitis. I have even stopped smoking since august. Yes i am a little obese. I am taking few medicines since august when i cam back from hospital. I am taking Creon 10000 twice a day in between meals, i was taking Pantocid DSR till 10th October which was stopped by doctor after seeing the reports on 10th October which were normal. Instead of Pantocid DSR i have been taking twice a day before lunch and dinner. I had done HBA1C on 10th October, the results were 6.1 which i guess is normal and glucose fasting was 92 which is again normal.
I feel that i am suffering from gastritis and indigestion. I hope i have answered all your questions from your earlier post.

Please suggest


Thanks for providing additional information.
Yes gastritis and indigestion. That is what I have mentioned as dyspeptic symptoms in my previous post.

There is some typo error and the medicine you are taking now is missing in your post.
Kindly mention what medicine you are taking now.


Patient replied :

Sorry Doctor for the typo!
The medicine that I am taking since 11th October is Dompan twice a day before meals. Also, i am taking Calcigrand forte once a day for Vitamin b12 deficiency since 11th October. I am not sure but i have a feeling that the present problem might be due to Calcigrand forte that i have started from 11th October. Is it possible?

Thanks and Regards
Sunil Fotedar

You can continue taking dompan twice a day before meals for 4 weeks.

I do not think calcigran forte is responsible for your new symtpoms.


Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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