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Anxiety and stomach bug

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I have bad anxiety , I am extremely overweight eat fast food a lot drink a lot of soda and use chewing tobacco. That aside im worried about my heart and need to cut out that stuff , but am always worrying about a heart attack. I am 28 5 ft 7 270 lbs. I recently got a stomach bug two days ago where I was throwing up for 12 hours and extremely achey with a fever as my wife and daughter had also had that in previous weeks. I have an app on my phone for pulse checking and noticed that after I had thrown up at one point with a fever my pulse jumped to 136 bpm while sitting down. I am on anxiety meds and blood pressure meds as a beta blocker to help with the anxiety. This spike in pulse and the throwing up and aches is this all just a stomach bug or something more serious like an impending heart attack ? Just over a year ago I had several ekgs and an echocardiogram which came back good but I still worry.

Category: Cardiologist

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Category: Cardiologist
 18 Doctors Online

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After vomiting episode the pulse rate usually increases and your pulse rate of 136 per minute is normal to have at that time.
The mobile app may be inaccurate.

You can easily manually check your pulse rate by feeling your pulse at the wrist and timing it with a seconds watch.
Fever also increases the heart rate.

You already seem to be aware of the faulty lifestyle that you are leading. A diet rich in fibers minerals particularly green leafy vegetables fruits nuts is an essential for health. Exercise for 30 min a day in the form of brisk walk is recommended.

I would not subject you to any further cardiac investigation just on the basis of an elevated heart rate during vomiting and fever and in a situation where it's normal to have such a heart rate.

I would strongly recommend that you should change your dietary patterns and exercise pattern. That would help you to reduce weight as well.

Hope this helps, would be glad to answer any follow-up queries.
Dr Vivek Mahajan
DM Cardiology

Patient replied :

Thank you so much , so you think my resting heart rate of 95ish normally is just due to lifestyle and weight ? I am gonna do my best t to change but I gotta ask how rare are heart attacks in men under thirty ? I used to have a cocaine problem too so ive lived a crazy life but havent used cocaine in 9 years now but was using at the time every day for over a year , do u think with all the tests my heart is ok or is this all stemming from my anxiety, like could the cocaine have a long lasting effect or is that an in the moment drug ? And what I meant was other than an underlying medical condition how rare is it for a 28 year old to have formed blocked arteries is what I really wanna know ? Those are the last few questions I have thank you

Cocaine 9 years back shouldn't have much of a residual effect on your heart.
Resting heart rate of 95 may be called normal but it indicates that you are not exercising at all.
The problem of myocardial infarction in young people is no doubt increasing but the percentage of people who get a heart attack less than 30 years of age is still negligible.

Patient replied :

Thank u

Take care. Wish you best of health.

Dr Mahajan
Consultant Cardiologist

Dr. Vivek Mahajan
Category: Cardiologist
Fellowship: DM, Cardiology, PGIMER, 2013
Residency: MD, Internal Medicine, AIIMS, 2007
Internship: King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital, 2003 
Medical School: MBBS, Seth G.S. Medical College, 2002
Dr. Vivek Mahajan and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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