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Can I take CORTISOL with LENA birth control pill?

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i have suffered extreme exhaustion and weigh gain (22lbs in 3 months)
medications i was on regularly- yasmine then changed to lena birth control, prozaac 20mg, oxypowder, 2-4mg of valium nightly. (as needed adderal)hydrachlorothiazide
went to doctor had blood work done here are my results;
Vitamin D - 34, T3 FREE-2.4, B12-329, ESTRADIOL- less than 15,TSH2.80,T4 TOTAL-9.6, T4 FREE-1.0,TOTAL SERUM-107, PROGESTERONE less than 0.5,INSULIN-8.0,FSH 1.3,

Based off of this she has been stopping the birth control, 5000mg of Vitamin D for 2 weeks then 2000mg after, Cortisol in the morning and evening, B12 injections 1x a week for 4 weeks then in 2 weeks to take 30mg of Armour thyroid meds.

Can i get an opinion here? have mixed reviews about taking cortisol, also took the armour 1x only and crashed hard core and was so sick. can someone help me?

Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

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Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
 27 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
I will need more history from you before I can give my opinion.
The weight gain is unexplained from the brief medical and treatment history you posted. Can you include your dietary history? Because 22 pounds is a lot of weight gain in only 3 months.
Why were you given cortisol? From the values mentioned, the thyroid values seem normal, so I need to see your previoius reports to suggest about the armour.
Please share all your previous reports and I will help you further.

Patient replied :

from what i understand my T3 is low on the point of "normal" which would cause symptoms of hypothyroidism- exhaustion, weight gain, headaches, hot and cold? i also take adderal and also at times vyvance and was falling asleep on both.
My doctor believed my adrenal glands were over worked. They did some tests pushing on the glands and my arms ?
Decided cortisol was low and needed to take Adrena vive before taking the thyroid medicine or I would crash more. (which happened)
I work out 3 days a week, do personal trainig 45 minutes and I do one hour yoga once a week.
I am on a low carb protein and veggie diet. No breads, sweets are minimal. nothing has changed. I really eat very healthy. I am not a big drinker at all.

The level of thyroid does not explain your symptoms at all.
May be if i see all your reports, I will have a better idea.
Similarly with your diet, the weight gain is not explained at all. Let me review the reports.


Patient replied :

please see the below attached doccument of blood wor. So far 2 doctors have said it is my thyroid and hormone?

From these reports, you don't have Hypothyroidism and do not require any treatment for the same. You need to ask the doctors why they said hypothyroidism when the reports are absolutely normal.
The Estradiol and Progesterone levels are low with LH FSH being normal or low. This may be due to withdrawal of the Birth control pills. Cortisol reports are not available. I still don't know on what basis was low cortisol diagnosed.
Cholesterol levels marginally high however do not require any treatment. These reports do not explain any of your symptoms.
Can you please check wih your family physician, because unnecessarily you should not be taking the medicines either.

Patient replied :

I have gone to 3 HCP's in person now here in FL and they all have said the same thing- that im on the verge of hypothyroidism. And I need to be treated for it. I have Lymes disease and therefore feel the effects of a low T3. Also when I took this blood test I had not stopped my Birth Control yet. I did a physical exam and they said my adrenal glands were over working. I don't know what else to do. I appreciate your response. Again, I have been to three seperate HCP's here in FL. Who all agreed on their own that my fatigue, weight gain, head aches, forgetfullness and more are due to a low T3. I apreciate your response. I will continue with my physicans here in Florida. Again, thank you.

The symptoms of exhaustion and fatigue is mostly from Lymes disease.
I do not agree of hypothyroidism seeing your values.
I do not know how they interpreted adrenals are overworking based on physical examination only.
Kindly talk to them again and let me know. This consult will be open.

Dr. Bimlesh Dhar Pandey
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
Senior Residency: Rhematology, All India Institute of Medical Schiences, New Delhi, 2009
Post Graduate, Junior Residency: MD (Internal Medicine), Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Jharkhand, 2006
Residency: Physiology, Institute of Medical Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 2003
Internship: Government Medical College, Trichur, 2001
Medical School: MBBS, Calicut University, 2001
Dr. Bimlesh Dhar Pandey and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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