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Damages caused by wood particle entering vein.

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Dear Doctor.
Thanks for your answer.
I still have query.
Pls. read below comments and pls. explain me.
I still lthink that if particle touch the myocardium... that cannot make people die..
doctor also told me that if large needle prick and bleeding is contiuning... then he must die.. I also agree with docor's comment..

(another doctor's comment)

It’s clear that I and the other expert share almost the same opinion about what happen when a wood particle penetrate endocardium and reach the myocardium. We both think that it will cause a sharp pain, and arrhythmia.

We only disagree about sudden death. Unfortunately it’s impossible to make such experiments on humans and I only can explain it theoretically. I would like to explain two principal mechanism that may lead to death in such a case:

There are 2 main mechanisms to cause death if a piece of particle is entering myocardium:
1. The PAIN, it’s very sharp and intense. Myocardium is a very sensitive muscle and the minor damage is very similar to infarction and cause severe chest pain. If it’s not relieved by opioids, it may lead to traumatic shock, cardio respiratory arrest and death.
2. When first the wood particle reach the myocardium (half is on endocardium, half on myocardium) it will cause arrhythmia (Premature Ventricular Complex). Keep in mind that this will happen every heart beats. This PVCs within minutes the PVCs will degenerate on more severe ventricular arrhythmias (ventricular tachycardia i.e. VT and ventricular fibrillation i.e. VF) because the wood damaged myocardial zone (even that it’s only a small area) will serve as a trigger area. Another mechanism that degenerate PVC on life threatening arrhythmias (VT and VF) is excessive adrenaline released from pain and myocardial damage.

As you can see are a lot of mechanism that contribute to lethal arrhythmias even that your heart is normal. The only way to survive if wood particle reach the myocardium is through getting the piece removed (from myocardium).

Category: Cardiologist

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Category: Cardiologist
 32 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
What you wrote makes a lot of sense. However, in your case it is not possible for the wood particle to travel to the heart. So I am not worried about arrhythmias or other forms of death.
If it reaches myocardium it won't cause sudden death.
Arrhythmia can occur if some foreign body comes and blocks the conduction in some way.

Patient replied :

Dear sir. Last query. 1. If particle by accident prick the myocardium and move little bit... can people feel the pain or there must be arthritis, eventhough particle is 3-4mm. There are two different opinions. There is no pain receptors in myocardium. So people cannot feel pain... Another opinion is surely know the pain and myocardium is very sensitive tissue and two types of nerve and pain receptors... so absolutely know... Which one is right?

Yes there will definitely be a pain in the myocardium and moreover it will initiate arrhythmias.

Dr. Vivek Mahajan
Category: Cardiologist
Fellowship: DM, Cardiology, PGIMER, 2013
Residency: MD, Internal Medicine, AIIMS, 2007
Internship: King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital, 2003 
Medical School: MBBS, Seth G.S. Medical College, 2002
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