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Discomfort in breathing with blocked nose. Treatment?

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i feel discomfort in breathing. Like i dont get enough oxygen in my right lung. when i try to breath i can inhale and

exhale through my left nostril .Right nostril, is always blocked(Cant Sense it most of the time).Even delebrate attempt of

inhhaling through right nostril is of no use. Mild Tightness in right part of chest and on back side of neck, Rib,Near

spinal chord ( Right Side only). Right side ear is also seemed bloked and just above the ear streach feeling and streach

sound is always there. Due these reasons i can not get involved in any activity By professinon I am an engineer. I am a

gastict and a regular smoker. after getting exhasted with so many doctors now i feel very low most of the time.

Presently i am taking medicine consulting a nueroloist as all doctors are saying these are symptoms of Anxiety.But this

is not working out too.
i have carried out few test which i will provide .
Please help me with an advise.

Thanks a Lot

Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 18 Doctors Online

Thanks for your query at
I understand your concern
I have gone through your reports and they are withing normal range
I have noted that you have a history of breathlessness.
These may be due to many reasons mainly related to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
Since, how many days you have these symptoms?
I would like to know if you have any associated symptoms like cough, wheezing, blood in sputum?
Are there any factors that aggravate/ increase your symptoms?
Are your symptoms relieved/not relieved by rest? Are they associated with physical activity like running and walking?
Do you have chest pain?
Did you have any history of any respiratory infections or tuberculosis?

Patient replied :

sir, Thank you for your response, i have this problem since last four years,.i get cough and it seems as something is stuck in chest. do not feel any pain but sqeezing feeling in chest and backside near spinal chord.i dont get any blood in sputum but sticky mucus when i cough. when i breathe by mouth for approx 5 mins i feel ok. but again this problem persists immidiately.Local doctor thought that this may be due Tuberculosis and he carried out ANA and Anti ds DNA which was negative and then he ruled out this possibility. I donot know much about this This was one year back's report.Please suggest me if i need any test to be carried out which may be helpful to diagonse. I still smoke and feel difficult to quit. Thanl you sir

The symptoms are due to the focal subtle fibrosis seen in your lungs.
You need to stop smoking as it will only worsen your lung condition.
You developed fibrosis because of some pathology in the past, could have been undetected TB, and now sine you have not been able to stop smoking, the symptoms are getting worse.
You can try a course of Montelukast 10 mg once daily at bed time for 2 weeks and let me know if it helps with your symptoms.

Patient replied :

I wil quit smoking as you suggested. These symptomes are due to focal fibrosis. What might be cause of this. Was this developed because of smoking. and is this only a reason of all my problems as neurologist told me that i have no problem but anxiety.
Do i need to stop taking nueromedicines.
Sir i want to be fit again .please tell me if any other major tests are needed to diaganose the exact problem because these all report are older than a year.i had consulted a chest specilist that time and he only carried out PFT, CT scan -Chest, ANA, As-DNA,Blood sugar test and then he said there is no problem. Is this diesese recoverable once i complete the course and quit smoking.
Please advise.

Yes, you will feel better after you stop smoking.
Fibrosis can be a result of previous TB infection, and the involvement of apical area as is reported, points more towards TB.
It could also be due to other chest infections in the past.
You do not need to do any further testing, you can repeat a CT SCAN after 6 months of completely smoking.

Patient replied :


Does all My other symptoms such as feeling low and blocked right nose,ear because of this lung fibrosis only. Do i need to take any medicine ( which is being given by Nuerologist) or it will be solved by itself after quiting smoking.( I have already left it) Sir, you suggested to take Montelukast 10 mg dose for two weeks . Please advise me in little deatil considering all my other problems as mentioned above that if i need to take this medicine .My diastolic BP remains around 90. Also please tell me if there is a permanent cure to my lung fibrosis. i feel so relief talking to you sir. Thanks for your kind support and advises

No fibrosis is unfortunately, irreversible, however if you take the medicines it will ensure no further deterioration, and you won't have the lung symptoms again.
You can continue the medicines given by your neurologist too till the symptoms settle down completely. Most of your symptoms are suggestive of allergies too, and montelukast will hence be helpful. Stopping smoking will also lead to a quicker recovery.

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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