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GROUND GLASS OPACITY in CT. anything to worry?

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Hi can you please take a look at the attached file.. Is Ground glass opacity anything to worry about?

Category: Radiologist

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Category: Radiologist
 25 Doctors Online

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I am one of the InHouse Physician and unfortunately i can't see any files attached in your dashboard.
Can you try uploading it again? Or else, you can email it directly to [email protected]
Thank You.
InHouse Physician.

Patient replied :

Hi Dr its attached now, but I asked for a radiologist to reply. Will you be able to help?

The ground glass opacities seen in the posterior aspect of the lung bases in a supine CT scan chest is a normal variant seen in most patients due to gravity dependant lymphatic stagnation ... This is unlikely to be a infection But I would still recommend that you do a blood test, Complete blood count & rule out if your total leukocyte count is raised. If not then DEFINITELY nothing to worry about ...
If it is then maybe taking a broad spectrum antibiotic course SOS should be more than enough to take care of the sub clinical infection,
Hope this was helpful,
Feel free to discuss further,

Patient replied :

Thanks for replying.. I was given co-amoxiclav at the time.. Also recently, I'd say in the last 3 weeks I have had a bad chesty cough and again taken the same antibiotics, I was coughing up a lot of green phlegm which has now calmed down a lot. It wouldn't be early signs of lung cancer would it?

This does not sound like a cancer at all.
If the green phlegm has reduced after antibiotic , then it may have been a subclinical infection which seemed to have responded to antibiotics.
So nothing to worry about for sure

Dr. Rohit Malik

Patient replied :

Ok thanks.. I have attached 2 other atrachments from the last couple of years.. Would u say the findings on there are the same as GGO but worded differently?

Thanks for the additional images.
Yes they are the same as your current fidndings, just worded differently.

Dr. Rohit Malik
Category: Radiologist
Residency, Fellowship: DNB, DMRD, DMRE, Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program, Seth G.S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, 1997 – 2001
Medical School: MBBS, Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Lokmanya TIlak Muncipal Medical College, 1991 – 1997
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