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I am worried that these rashes could be HIV.

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I had a encounter with a CSW 6 weeks ago..I think she put on a condom and the whole incidence lasted maybe a minute or so..( i was very drunk)..I have had following tests done

HIV RNA early detection at- Day 9 - negative
HIV Oraquick - Day 14 and Week 5.5 - both negative

I am worried as last week or so, I have 4-5 red bumps develop on feet.. and they itch a lot.Also a rash under belly button...I dont have any other symptom....I also feel that I itch all over the body..I am attaching two pictures of the rashes..I had smaller 2 rashes on the feet that seem to have gone rash on the hand with a dot now seems to have dried..My doc had indicated that HIV RNA and oraquick after 4 weeks is 99% conclusive..I would like to hear from experts and other opinions..

Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 19 Doctors Online

Hello. Thanks for your query at
Those rashes just look like allergy and please don't be worried about any STD. The doctor is right. The tests are 99 % conclusive and you DO NOT have HIV. It is good though that you're aware and immediately got yourself tested.
For your rash, apply some Betnovate-C ointment at least 2-3 times daily for the next 3-4 days until they clear up. If it is very itchy, you can take one Tab. Claritin 10 mg, once in the evening for the next 3 days.
If the rashes do not go away, write to us again and we will assist you further,

Patient replied :

Thanks Doctor. I appreciate your answer. I have read HIV RNA is that your experience? I am just scared as I have developed these red rashes and also small rashes on the foilicules of the hair that look like foliciltus but only in last 6 weeks..I did have them before..could you tell me if :
a) Is it possible to have just rashes without any other symptoms? Are my rashes look like ARS rashes?/
b) I did take claritin and most of the rashes are gone and itchiness is gone too.. is that a good sign?
c) I do have some itchiness in feet and sometime in the palms..are those ARS symptoms/
d) do I need more testing?

I do understand your apprehension.
Yes, HIV RNA testing is conclusive. Viral RNA assays will be positive even in the window period because blood viral RNA levels are very high in patients with acute(recent) HIV-1 infection. These tests are very accurate and can be sometimes falsely positive even in persons without HIV but not likely to be false negative. So when you have tested negative for the HIV RNA test, it is conclusive that you DO NOT have HIV.
Now let me answer each of your questions specifically.
a) Is it possible to have just rashes without any other symptoms? Are my rashes look like ARS rashes?/
No. It is unlikely as a rash in ARS develops after 2-3 days of fever. Furthermore your rash does not look like an ARS rash which is usually maculopapular. What you have is an urticarial rash. Again, you are NOT infected with HIV so there's no question of you having ARS.
b) I did take claritin and most of the rashes are gone and itchiness is gone too.. is that a good sign?
Yes it is a good sign. It indicates that rash was an allergic response. Most likely due to a certain food ingredient or drug which you have taken recently.
c) I do have some itchiness in feet and sometime in the palms..are those ARS symptoms/
No, they are not. Itching in the palms and soles is part of the allergic reaction.
d) do I need more testing?
Definitely not for HIV. If the rash persists after treatment with Claritin and the ointment after a week, you will need to consult an allergy specialist and undergo testing for allergies.
I hope this was helpful.
Thank you.

Patient replied :


Thank you. Your response has been very clear and appreciative. Final question..I am attaching pictures of the rashes that seem to come and go on my legs and sometime on chest..Please let me know if these dont seem like ARS rashes and I can go to a dermatologist and get them checked....Also, my understanding is HIV RNA On day 9 and 10 is fairly that correct? Also itchiness on scalp - have you seen that as ARS symptoms? I have bad psoriasis and am thinking that it may be spreading..

Thanks again..

Hello. Thank you for writing to us again.
I have seen the pictures you sent me, and they just look like an alergic reaction, and definitely not any ARS symptom. HIV RNA tests are absolutely conclusive and you DO NOT have HIV. So please do not be unnecessarily worried about it anymore.
All your symptoms including the scalp itching, point towards allergic reaction. Since it has not resolved on taking Claritin completely, you can apply histocalamine lotion on top of the rash in your leg for 3-4 days at least 2-3 times a day. It will bring down your allergy. However it is better to consult a dermatologist, who can also directly examine the rash and give you advise.
Hope this is helpful,

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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