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I feel chest pain main reason of these problems?

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Dear doctor, I get did a major faceplate when I was snowboarding for a couple of months ago. Moreover I have fallen down; in spite of everything I feel chest pain since then. After that incident my chest becomes stained while I am using with my laptop upon my stomach and the same time lying on my chest. What would be the main reason of these problems? It’s just like a minor and warm pain not so severe.

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Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
 18 Doctors Online

Thanks for asking this question, from our point of view there are two major chest injuries, blunt and penetrating. There are motor vehicle accidents leading to blunt chest trauma that is more than 80% of cases. Due to crush, falls, violent acts, blast and sports injuries will lead to blunt chest trauma. Any way almost all accidental injuries related with this, Along with chest radiography we can diagnose the blunt chest injury. Taking an X-ray should help to analysis chest trauma the patients who are suspected. I seem you had affected with an elementary chest trauma due to fall. Perhaps the pain that you have experienced now is due to the activities of under lying soft tissues and intercostal muscles injury. Another one is intercostal neuralgia caused by the intercostal nerves which are located among the ribs will cause direct injury or spasm of muscles. There is possibility to cure itself or need proper treatment. We can heals the injury by using the cautious treatments like anti-inflammatory medication such as Aleve, Motrin etc., B complex vitamin and massage this may works slowly.

Dr. Steve Merris
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
Medical School - New York University
Internship in Internal Medicine - Beth Israel Medical Center
Residency in Internal Medicine - Beth Israel Medical Center
Fellowship in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine - Columbia University Medical Center
Dr. Steve Merris and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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