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I have a bump in between my buttocks

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I have a bump in between my buttocks at the top close to where my tailbone is. It has been there for about a year. I've been to the doctor 6 times and I can't seem to get a straight answer. It goes away in the afternoon and seems to come back more rounded in the morning although it never fully goes away. There is no drainage and the doctors have said it is not a cyst as they did not see a nasal canal. It is not painful and I feel fine with no fever or anything like that. I had a ultrasound done on the bump and the doctor said they could remove it but to just wait. I have not had any injuries in this area although it does seem to increase in side after riding my bike. Any idea on what this could be or something I should worry about like a malignant tumor? No doctor has performed a biopsy, which I find strange, any ideas?

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 18 Doctors Online


The swelling (bump) you described does not appear to be a malignant tumor. Tumors either malignant or benign do not disappear and reappear or change in size within hours. Your doctor must have already explored every possibility of concern and ruled them out.

Pilonidal cysts are common in that location near tail bone between buttocks. But, they usually are very painful and have an associated sinus tract which drains the cyst to skin surface. Absence of pain and draining sinus rules out pilonidal cyst. A milder form of spina bifida (a condition where is congenital fault in closing of vertebra around spinal cord) called spina bifida occulta can present as a solitary fat lump in the lower back but it is present usually since child hood and also a little above the position of your swelling. Anyway, ultrasound will rule out spina bifida occulta. Most probably the swelling is nothing but some abnormal collection of lymph or blood due to defect in lymph channel or some blood vessel. The decreasing and increasing of size may be due to pressure and position of your body which affects the fluid collection. Or, it may be a small lipoma and the change of size and shape may be due to pressure of surrounding muscles and tissues. In either case there is nothing to worry about. Follow your doctor's advice and wait to see if it shows any growth.

Hope this helps. Thank you.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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