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Left side PARALYSIS with high SUGAR, BP and prostate.

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Out of acute anxiety have i been searching for some online Medical helpline n i found yours.

My father aged 71 is suffering from Left side Paralysis since 16 Jan 2015. For the first time on 16 Jan itself, he was also diagnosed with High sugar and High BP as well.
Although, sugar is under control now and BP somewhere around 150/85-90, he developed Prostate also being in hospital. (he was admitted for 10 days in Ranchi). He is not able to paas stool now and urine is getting passed only through Catheder. He has lost his appetite completely, has grown weaker a lot n presently admitted again in Ranchi Hospital. Docs saying prostate operation is not feasible because he is diabetic and paralysed. Also, there is some effect on his kidney has been noticed. Pls help...what should b d right way now?? What can i do now??

Category: Neurologist, Medical

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Category: Pediatric Neurologist
 26 Doctors Online

Thank you for posting your query at
I have noted your father's problem, and he is suffering from brain stroke. Regarding brain stroke, if the tissue plasminogen injection is given within four and half hours of symptom onset, then, recovery occurs fast. If the injection is not given, then, recovery takes a long time. Also, complete recovery from weakness may not occur.
Regarding urine and prostate problems, let the urologist decide the best course of action (antibiotics, catheterization, etc) and also the timing for surgery. This is because the surgery should be done without much risk.
For stools, please include more fibres in the diet, and do regular exercises. Medications such as duphalac or naturolax can be used if there is constipation.
I hope it helps.
Best wishes,
Dr. Sudhir Kumar MD (Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist

Patient replied :

Sir, Following may also be replied please :
(a) He has a psychiatric problem also for 40 years. OLTHA 10 MG was regularly taken by him because of which he has been diagnosed with DIABETES as per what docs r sayng. At times, he gets very violent and abuses while shouting. Why is it happening so although he is a quite person generally.
(b) Doctors r saying stool is not getting passed because internal organs hav also got paralysed due to this attack. is it true?
(c) Doctors r not talking properly to us, hence keeping us in gloom n wonder whether thr is any bigger problem wid him which they r not telling. how to take this thing out of them. they donot want to talk to us properly.
(d) my father does not want to use catheder at all. but one of doc warned against it. He said he has already some effect/swelling in his kidney. removal of the same will only aggravate this problem. But he does not want to care.
(e) A photo image of my dad's recent IBT report is attached for your appreciation. Please see and give some suggestions please.
You are requested to kindly help in this regard. Thanking you wid heart.

Thank you for getting back. My replies are below:
1. Behavioural changes are due to psychiatry problem, and the medications can be adjusted by the psychiatrist.
2. Internal organs do not get paralysed in brain stroke. However, lack of movements after paralysis does lead to constipation. This can be overcome with stool softeners, enema and increased fibre in the diet.
3. You can discuss with the doctors regarding complete disclosure of the information.
4. Regarding catheter and kidney problems, let the urologist/nephrologist decide.
5. This report should be shown to urologist/nephrologist.
Best wishes,
Dr. Sudhir Kumar MD (Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist

Dr. Sudhir Kumar
Category: Pediatric Neurologist
Senior Residency, Fellowship: DM, Neurology, CMC, Vellore, 2001
Junior Residency: MD, Internal Medicine, CMC, Vellore, 1998
Medical School: MBBS, Christian Medical College, Vellore, 1995
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