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Life style changes for GERD with PANTOPRAZOLE.

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I am suffering from GERD for last 3 months. I am presently taking 1 doze of (PANTOPRAZOLE E 40MG TAB KREM) every morning 30 minutes before breakfast. My condition is described as below.

1. Some pain in my left side of chest near heart.
2. I have sore throat and cough. There is redness around my throat I tried some cough syrups but nothing worked.
3. I can swallow the food properly and no pain while swallowing.
4. No fever or weight loss.

My primary doctor suggested me to increase the tablets to 2 per day one in the morning and second in afternoon. He also suggested that I do the upper endoscopy procedure to examine the esophagus condition. Hence I have the following questions.

1. Should I go for endoscopy or will it cause any further damage as I have seen in many cases if the instruments are not properly cleaned then It can cause further complications.

2. I am willing to start changing the lifestyle to avoid fatty food and acidic food and exercise daily for 40 minutes, will this help my condition?

3. I am really worried here about any esophagus cancer symptoms?

Additionally, I reduced my smoking habit but I will now complete stop it as I am not getting any relief since last 3 months. What do you suggest about my condition. I can also share some test results with you if required.

Category: Family Physician-GP

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 21 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at

I have gone through your history in detail. It seems that your GERD is not very well controlled.
Let me answer each of questions individually.

1. Should I go for endoscopy or will it cause any further damage as I have seen in many cases if the instruments are not properly cleaned then It can cause further complications.
I would also suggest that you undergo endoscopy. This is actually a very safe procedure without any major complications and in established health centers, sterility and hygiene measures are taken very seriously. I have seen many patients undergo various endoscopic procedures without any complications and this is one of the safest diagnostic investigations.
I am actually surprised at your observation about instruments not being cleaned and complications. If the source of this observation is the internet, let me tell you that it is untrue. The internet is full of unverified, non-reviewed information, most of which is false.

2. I am willing to start changing the lifestyle to avoid fatty food and acidic food and exercise daily for 40 minutes, will this help my condition?
Yes. Lifestyle changes are as important as medication in managing GERD. You need to quit smoking completely (please seek help if you find that difficult). Along with the dietary changes and exercise, head end elevation of bed and avoiding a supine position for at least 2 hours after every meal, including dinner are also a must. When all these measures are followed strictly, you will definitely find good relief.

3. I am really worried here about any esophagus cancer symptoms?
Please relax as your symptoms in no way suggest cancer. Your age as well as absence of difficulty in swallowing, normal weight all cannot be present in a case of cancer of the esophagus. So please do not worry about this.

I would suggest that you go by your doctor's advice by increasing the dosage of your current medications as well as the endoscopy. This will show the severity of your problem as well as if there is a concurrent infection of the stomach. Based on the endoscopic findings, further management can be planned.
And please do follow all the suggested lifestyle modifications. This should take care of your condition.

I hope this was helpful. Feel free to ask queries.

Thank you.

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
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