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Pain and stings during sex near the hymen

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Hello, i'm 17 years old and have been experiencing pain during sex. Ive had tests for infections and they've come back clear. It hurts near the hymen part and stings afterwards, although I'm not a virgin. I get upset about it because i cant enjoy sex with my partner. Thanks.

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 23 Doctors Online

Thanks for using ask a doctors service from doctors spring .i understand your problem and will try to answer your query as best possible.

The pain you experienced during sex is called dyspareunia which could be superficial or deep. In Superficial dyspareunia, it occurs when penetration is attempted and the lesion is to be expected at or near the entrance of vagina (introitus). This could be due to vaginal dryness, spasm of the sphincter vagina and the muscles (also known as vaginismus), Skin Bridge, lichen sclerosus. In deep dyspareunia, it occurs after penetration and it is usually deeper seated like vaginal trauma.

I would recommend you to use a lubricant during sex and follow it after with a vaginal douche used twice a day. Use can also consult your obg-gyn doctor who can run you through a few tests and find out the cause for it.

Hope this helps, if there is any further queries do let me know.

Thank you.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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