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lower right lobectomy due to lung sequestraion 2 years ago.
Constantly clearing throat.

pains in chest around shoulder in front which radiates to sternum.
Coughing for a month clear mucus up with Grey streaks or specks on a daily basis. Sometimes whires mucus comes up.MOre noticablle in the morning and at night
lower right side sensitive and ached on some days( where GAll bladder and liveris situated. Have dizzyness spells.

Currently taking ranitidine for reflux.

Rash on lower left leg caused by itchyness scratching.

Category: Pulmonologist

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Category: Allergy and Immunologist
 32 Doctors Online

Dear patient,
thank you for our query at

May I know your age, and occupation?how was sequestration detected? And what where the symptoms then?
Was there any associated diseases / anomalies?
Do you smoke? Since when have you been noticing the present symptoms?
Is there any associated shortness of breath?
Any allergic symptoms?
Ant blood reports ?
Please reply do that I may be able to help you better.

Dr. Jacob George P

Patient replied :

I am 34 years old.I am a Mail Room worker and administrator. The intralobar sequestraiton was detected when i was coughing up fresh blood one day,2 months after i went to a gp for coughing up dark brown sputum in 2013
Symptons then were sore right side but no sore back.Fresh blood was in sputum but no black streaks.No assosciated diseas or anomalies were found after the operation. however i experienced reflux caused on by this.
I do not smoke.present symptoms have been happening for just over a month now. I do experience shortness of breath and wheezing when i cough or sneeze .sometimes it hurts when i cough or burp it hurts. I have no allergic symptons that i am aware of or being tested for.Last blood report was last year for an infeciton in lung around november,no blood tests done recently. Xray recently done shows no infection, which is strange.

Your symptoms do suggest early asthma.that explains cough expectoration, and occasional wheeze. The back ache is not related to this and might be associated with a vitamin d deficiency.
Suggest to consider switching to omeprazole from rantac, add levosulpride and take vitamin d supplements.
Probably that's why the x ray was normal. The grey sputum is probably old cigarette smoke/ environment smoke/ fungus. It needs further evaluation.


Patient replied :

I shall ask for a Vitamin D test. I have had a deficiency in the past. I was using domperidone for a week.Will ask doctor for another sputum test when the grey phlegm comes up again.


Kindly get back to me once you have the reports.

Dr. Jacob George Pulinilkunnathil
Category: Allergy and Immunologist
Residency, Post Graduation: MD, Respiratory Medicine, J L N Medical College, Ajmer, Rajasthan (2012).
Medical School, Internship: MBBS, Government Medical College, Kottayam, 2001-07 
Indian Diploma in Critical Care Medicine (IDCCM) - Medical Trust Hospital, 2013-2014.
Dr. Jacob George Pulinilkunnathil and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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