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Posiible negatives of GROWTH HORMONE THERAPY IN 18yrs boy.

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We are looking for a medical opinion and possible negatives of growth hormone therapy for a 18.5 years old patientold male.
Is he too old for such therapy to be effective?
He is 5'6' to 5'7" and has not been evaluated by specialist.
He is unable to get into a specialist until late summer and that will be too late.

thank you

Category: Endocrinologist

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Category: Diabetologist
 23 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
Yes, the growth period is over in all likelihood and it is late to give GH
You may do Xrays of the wrist to confirm the fusion of the bones when it is late to give GH
5'6' is a satisfactory height for a male and there should be no reason to suspect GH deficiency

Col (Dr) J Muthukrishnan, SM
Senior Adviser (Med) & Endocrinologist

Patient replied :

Thank you.
My question is: what are the negatives of hormonal tratment, that is -
what might be the dire consequences of such intervension and what are the odds, as
far as the medical statistics show.
Thank you,

Use of GH in a person with no deficiency after growth period is over can cause acromegaly, which is enlarged bones n soft tissue, excess oiliness, rise in BP, blood sugar and cholesterol and cause abnormal heart enlargement.
It's unsafe drug to use

Dr. J Muthukrishnan
Category: Diabetologist
1. 10th Asia-Pacific Pediatric Endocrine Society  Fellows meeting, Seoul, Korea, Oct 2008
2. Eighth ICMR Course on Genetics and Genetic Counseling – Jul 2008 – SGPGI, Lucknow
3. Annual Certificate Course on Endocrinological Laboratory Techniques at National Institute of Nutrition (ICMR) Hyderabad,India, ( Aug-Sep 2006) 
Fellowship: Endocrinology, Diplomate of National Board, National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 2008, Medwin Hospital, Hyderabad
Senior Residency: Diplomate of National Board (General Medicine), National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 2002
Residency: MD, General Medicine, 1997-2000, Armed Forces Medical College, 2nd position in University
Medical School: MBBS, Armed Forces Medical College, 1992
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