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Protected sex with someone now scared of getting HIV

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Hi there,

I had sex with someone using properly a condom. Now I am scared because I found out that even using a condom you could still infected with HIV. Please help me

I want to get tested but is only being two weeks and I am so desperate to know.

Please help me please.


Category: Family Physician-GP

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 29 Doctors Online


Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring. I can understand your anxiety.

The correct use of condoms can be very effective in prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. However it depends on the type of condom used. Condoms are available in different sizes and shapes with or without lubricant. There are three types of condoms available in the market such as:

a) Rubber (latex) condom: About 97% of total condoms are made of rubber (latex). These condoms consist of a double-layered protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease like HIV. These are less expensive than the others, however if the individual is allergic to the latex then this type cannot be used.

b) Natural condoms: these are made of lambskin. But these condoms have small pores that can transmit infections like HIV, Herpes simplex, and Hepatitis B. So this is not effective for prevention for HIV infection.

c) Synthetic condoms: These are made of polyurethane and other synthetic material. Although the efficacy is similar to rubber (latex) infection and provides adequate protection too.

In regard to your question, Condoms act as a barrier method in preventing the spread of HIV infection. However only if there is a defect in condom or a tear in it can the infection get transmitted. HIV is a life threatening infection that is transmitted through vaginal or urethral secretions . The infected patient may be asymptomatic initially and sometimes they may be in the window period which may last from 9 days to 6 months and during this period the results are not accurate as the antibodies produced are not adequate.

It is unlikely in your case that you have been infected.I would suggest you to wait till 3 months and get ELISA test to rule out the disease. The HIV tests done before that period may show false positive results.

Hope this helps.Thank you.
Please let me know if you have further queries.

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