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Recurrent infections

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I am looking for some advice on my current situation. Here is a brief overview.

Age: 27
Non Smoker
Healthy/Fit / Weigh 50k

However I have been getting frequent viral infections all my life, mostly upper respiratory tract infections. I am seeing an immunologist to find out what might be causing this, but in the mean time I have another viral illness which started two weeks ago, below is a bit of a timeline.

Started with very sore throat - went to doctors - got treated for bacterial tonsilitis. Sore throat went away but other symptoms got worse. Ended up in hospital and they discharged me saying it was a viral illness.

My symptoms are

Very large glands in neck which are sore at times. Sore glands under arms and behind ears.
Very fatigued / tired/ no energy
Ulcers in nose ( which I was treated for with more antibiotics and Bactroban ointment) these have not worked.
Had a bacterial infection in my thumb which cleared up with the same antibiotics

I recently went back to the doctors and the doctor said my glands are huge and my tonsils are still red and massive. She couldn't give me any explanation other than a viral illness. I have been tested for glandular fever twice which has come up negative but has shown that I have had it in the past.

At this point in time I have a few questions

1. What virus do I have? Is there one that is similar to Glandular Fever?
2. Why do I keep picking up the same viruses all the time?
3. Would it be wise to get my tonsils out? They seem to be enlarged all the time even when I am well.
4. How long can I expect my glands to be up for.

Thanks so much

Category: Infectious Disease Specialist

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 23 Doctors Online


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

Before answering your specific queries, let me put down some facts here.

Glands (tonsils , lymph nodes) can enlarge from infection and inflammations. So enlarged gland does not mean infection alone. For example the allergy could cause it. When putting together your symptoms like enlarged glands (including the ones under arm), fatigue , ulcers I would actually recommend you NOT to limit the diagnostic possibilities to a viral infection.

Viruses are blamed for many un proven or non specific symptoms even by Physicians which might not be true all the time. I would recommend a baseline blood test , Peripheral Smear test, ANA (to rule out any autoimmune disease ), if not done already.

Now to your specific queries :

1. Viral infection is a possible cause. (but as I said not the only possible cause ) Practically it is not possible to isolate. It could be any of the adenovirus, enterovirus, respiratory syncytial virus or Rhino virus.

2. This is most likely from the allergy. For example the allergic symptoms and steroid use can cause you protective respiratory epithelium to be fragile . When the the epithelium is damaged or fragile the virus can easily get attached resulting in a infection. This is most likely the cause for the repeated infection (rather than any depressed immunity ). This is very common mechanism.

3. No. Tonsils are the protective glands. It does not make sense to take it out. Instead you should target in adequate control of the allergic symptoms in consult with your Doctor. The allergy related inflammation is most likely to be the cause of the tonsillar swelling (and also for the recurrent infections). A throat swab to rule out streptococcal infection should also be done.

4. Depends . If the allergy is well controlled, it should not an issue.

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups / clarifications
Thank you

Patient replied :

Thank you so much for that answer. Has helped me greatly.

I assume I had baseline blood tests done whilst in hospital, but I will double check. I haven't had the other two tests so will make sure I get them done.

I hope you don't mind but I have some more questions. If it is in fact a viral illness (I think it might be a combination of a virus and allergies maybe- because i definitely feel more ill than I usually feel) How long do viruses make you ill for? It's been nearly 3 weeks and I am still very fatigued and the glands especially in my neck on both sides are still huge. I think usually my glands are enlarged probably because of allergies but this time they are even bigger and painful.

Also if it's one particular virus that I keep on getting, are there antiviral type shots available for specific viruses? Or will stopping the allergies control the viruses? My immunologist plans to desensitise me..thank god!

Also would prednisolone work to bring my tonsils and glands down? or is that bad because it suppresses the immune system?

Thank you SO much for your help. It's very nice to have someone answer my questions.



Hello Dominique,

Good know that your Immunologist is planning on desensitisation.
Targeting the allergy first would be the best approach and this is step in the right direction.

A typical upper respiratory viral infection should not last for more than 10 days in general. But you can get a post viral fatigue which can last upto weeks after the original infection. Since you have persistent symptoms it could be an allergy flare up or a bacterial infection. I would recommend a throat swab and culture + baseline blood tests, ESR - if the symptoms persist.

Again it is not easy to say which virus. You can get an annula flu shot (Influenza vaccine) if you have not taken it. There are no other shots which will be immediately useful for you . I understand that this could be frustrating. But I recommend a step by step approach rather than an all one approach. That means tackle the allergies first. Do not take unnecessary antibiotics.
It is Okay to take Prednisolone if indicated for allergies under the guidance of your Doctor. That alone will not cause any significant immune suppression (if taken in a low suggested dosage )

Hope this helps
Feel Free to ask followups / clarification
Thank you

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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