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Roaccutane and alcohol, effects.

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Dear doctor,

I am convinced I have Hodgkin's lymphoma and developing anxiety over it . This has been going on for 16 months after I started to develop a sensitivity to alcohol around the chest neck ear general area . A sort of tenderness and bruised feeling. I have visited numerous GPS including 5 in Australia and have have since march 2012 . 6 CBC . Lfts . Two ldh . Three crp . Two esr . Thyroid and a chest x ray all normal ! My last wbc was 6.2 and crp of 3I have not lost weight and to my best judgment no swollen glands .I have itchy skin spells now and then. Is this anxiety? I am at my wits end .No family history. I was on roaccutane 5 years ago as I have bad acne. My GP says results would have shown by now? Please help

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 18 Doctors Online

Thanks for your query!

You do not seem to be having any signs or symptoms of Hodgkins disease. Increased sensitivity to alcohol can occur if you are allergic to certain contents in the alcohol or also if you are having a liver dysfunction. When you where on roaccutane, where you also taking alcohol?? As roaccutane taken during alcohol consumption leads to liver dysfunction which leads to intolerance to alcohol and also the itchy skin you specified. I would suggest you abstain yourself from alcohol.

Hodgkins disease apart from intolerance to alcohol also causes mainly enlargement of lymph nodes, night sweats, loss of weight, enlargement of your spleen and liver. None of these have shown up, therefore there is no need to be worried.

I suggest you get liver function tests done and also avoid alcohol consumption.

Hope this helps. Please feel free to ask follow-up questions.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
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