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Sexual premature problems with PYURIA, enlarged PROSTATE.

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i recently had urinary tract problems which i went to my local gp about...he done all the standard blood n urine tests and what they found was pyuria...dead cells or puss in the urine.I had to have an ultrasound and a camera inserted to look at my bladder uretha prostate...i was told after that that i had a mildly enlarged prostate but no other problems...i have always gone to the toilet reguarly and thru the night question is with the prostrate mildly enlarged would that be the cause of any problems sexually as i have had premature problems 40 yrs old...please help

Category: Family Physician-GP

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
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Pyuria or pus cells in the urine indicates either an UTI/ Cystitis/ Prostatitis.
Long standing prostate infections, leading to chronic prostatits can lead to mild enlargement of prostate and that can subsequently cause some problems in your sex life. Though not frquent, it can lead to premature ejaculation. Since the prostate is already slightly inflamed, any stimulation, can lead on to subsequent ejaculation sooner than normal.
What antibiotic have you been suggested? For how many days have you been having problems with premature ejaculation?

Patient replied :

Hello..I've not been diagnosed with the above conditions...I've only entered into a relationship after about 5 yrs of being single...the premature stuff was happening on n off for 3 months and the relationship ended...I've had no anti biotics as yet...I'm not sure if being in a new relationship after so long is the reason or this enlarged prostrate is the only seemed to happen during penetration...hope this helps

I totally understand your concern.
I will advise you to get yourself evaluated for chronic prostatitis. In some patients the prostate will be chronically inflamed and there will be a subclinical infection present without giving rise to a lot of symptoms. Such patients will also be more prone for UTIs. To do that, prostatic fluid culture has to be done, after repeated prostate massage. Kindly talk to your urologist about it, and he will order the appropriate test for you.
Before attributing it to psychological issues ( getting into relationship after a long time ), i will advise you to get yourself evaluated for chronic prostatis. It also leads to problems such as premature ejaculation. Once diagnosed, a course of 6-12 weeks antibiotics will be required for treatment.

Patient replied :

Thankyou for your help
Just one more thing i wanted to add...for a long time ive had pins n needles n some heat coming from the saddle area just under the testicles...not painful but irritating...the doctors i seen done a lot of tests n came up with that i had a bulging disc in my back between t11 t12 vertebrae if i remember correctly..i wonder if this issue has been my prostrate all along??? no one ever checked my prostrate it till i began reading symtoms n asked the doctor to check me out...the only other thing i can add is that they done psa test on my prostrate and it was just under the level for someone in my age bracket just checking for prostatis is another test again???
yes the premature stuff was so uncontrollable at times it pretty much ruined the relationship and im trying to find out as much as i can to fix it as im still only 40 and id like a family one day and hopefully a normal sex life

The pins and needle sensation is not likrly to be due to prostate.
It is more possible in cases of bulging disc or a compressed nerve.
But regarding the premature ejaculation, yes it is possible that there will be early ejaculation if there is chronic prostatitis. I know you have gone through a series of tests, and it's pretty difficult, but it is better we rule out the prostate disease. The more we let the bacteria grow, the more time it will take in disappearing. Espeically chronic prostatitis is very difficult to treat and the right antibiotic at the right moment has to be started.
So once you get the test done, things will be clearer. You can definitely have normal sexual life again if the infection is treated.

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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