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Should I take Eption?

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I am 39 Years old married Man , almost 21 years ago I have series of seizures and Doctor advised me Eption 100 MG - 3 Tablets (1 Tablet in morning and 2 Tablets in night), when Seizures fully not controlled, we contact to Neurologist and as per CT SCAN reports I am diagnosed with neurocysticercosis and our Neurologist advised me 2 Tablet of Tab Albendazole in morning for 3 Months along with 3 Tablets of Eption - 100 MG in night with appropriate diet. Later on after 3 months Doctor advised to stop taking Albendazole and keep continue to take 3 Tablets of Eption - 100 MG in night, later on Eption Tablet reduced up to ONE TABLET. During same above period I have been treated for Tuberculosis too by another Doctor. Recently I gone through many Tests like Elisa Test for TB and CT SCAN , MRI etc and all reports are normal , no where any abnormality detected. Now almost from last 17 - 18 years I do not suffer from seizure, living normal life [Doing Driving / Swimming, Adventures Sports etc], please advice should I stop taking Eption 100 MG - 1 Tablet.

Category: Neurologist, Medical

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Category: Pediatric Neurologist
 20 Doctors Online

Thank you for asking your query.


I have reviewed the attached CT reports (which is more or less normal) and your clinical history.


Withdrawal of AEDs (Anti eplileptic drugs - like Eptoin) can be considered once the patient had a seizure free interval of 3-5 years. You are seizure free for last 17-18 years, you maintain an active lifestyle. And the recent MRI/investigations are within normal limits. In my opinion your AED - (Anti epileptic medication) can be stopped, under medical supervision. The decision to stop AEDs like Eptoin is usually taken on case by case basis analyzing the features of each patient. 


Now, its not recommended to stop the drug by yourself. Also you should know that there is always a chance of recurrence of seizure if you stop the drug. Also you should refrain from driving and high risk physical /contact sports once you stop the drug atleast for a couple of months. I my opinion these factors should not deter you from withdrawing the drug. You should get in touch with your treating physician and discuss about withdrawal of the drug and proceed further.


Hope this helps.

Patient replied :

Dear Doctor,

Thanks for your advice and suggestion.

Actually I was got treated by Neurologist Dr. Sanjeev Jha at P.G.I. Lucknow, and I am residing in Mumbai hence practically not possible for me to go and meet him so I consult 2 Neurologists in Mumbai.

Both of Doctors give me 2 different advice after go through my medical treatment history and CT SCAN / MRI Reports

1st Neurologist one at Jupiter Hospital , Thane advice me that all report are OK not to worry and suggest to stop medicine gradually as I am using only one tablet of Eption 100 Mg hence he recommend to take 3/4 Tablet one month then 1/2 Tablet for one month then 1/4 Tablet for one month and then stop.

2nd Neurosurgeon opinion is since I have no any seizure for past 18 years , and only one tablet of Eption 100 Mg are taking by me , he reviewed the reports and advice to stop medicine straightaway. According to him stop taking one Tablet of 100 Mg does not affect.

So that I request you to please what best should I follow.



Thank you for asking the followup question.


The way I see it, you got same advice from both the Neuro specialists. The only difference is how to approach it - that is how to stop the drug. There are no standard recommendations in this, so it depends on individual Doctors preference. I would recommend a more traditional approach which will be a middle path. Reduce it to half a tab (50mg) for two weeks and then stop, while under medical supervision.


Honestly I cannot say one approach is better than other because there is not enough data to substantiate any. So the best approach for you will be to fix on a Doctor (preferably a Neurologist than a NeuroSurgeon) and follow his recommendation. This is not a complicated treatment issue at all.


Wishing you a drug free, seizure free productive life.


Hope this helps.


Thank you

Patient replied :

Dear Doctor,


Thanks for kind advice, it will be definitely helpful for me and I will take appropriate care on stop taking Eption 100 MG one Tablet.

Now almost 8 Days passed, since I have stop taking this medicine and feeling comfortable.

I request you to please give one more suggestion that when I was taking Eption, that time I use to take Hard Drinks 4 - 5 Large during week ends, can I drink or smoke now after stoping Eption and if NOT then up to how much time.

Please suggest.





I strongly recommend you not to consume alcohol for at least a period of 3 months. 
After stopping eption your threshold for seizure will be lowered. Alcohol itself, hypoglycemia etc can stimulate seizures in you. So its better to stay away for 3 months. And if you plan to restart start consumption in smaller quantities. 


Smoking has no direct relation to seizures. However as you know, its a habit better avoided.


Hope this helps

Thank you

Dr. Sudhir Kumar
Category: Pediatric Neurologist
Senior Residency, Fellowship: DM, Neurology, CMC, Vellore, 2001
Junior Residency: MD, Internal Medicine, CMC, Vellore, 1998
Medical School: MBBS, Christian Medical College, Vellore, 1995
Dr. Sudhir Kumar and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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