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Sore, itchy, swelling in leg after common fly bite. CIPRO.

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I am currently in Turkey and am a U.K. resident. I have beenn biitten by a common fly annd had reaction on my leg, next to superfiicial veins. No deep vein problem. The area around the bite has swollen up and is sore and itchy. I have been prescribed Cipro 1000mg twice daily which is making me feel sick and also have a headache. Only taken 2 tablets and wonder if I can change to Amoxiicillin instead, which I can tolerate. Also as a precaution fhe doctor has prescribed doxium 1000mg twice daily for a month. As the swelling has gone now, after 3 days, I am reluctant to take doxiumm as I dont tolerate tablets well and dont know if it is entiirely necessary. Your advicecwould be much appreciated. Many thanks,
Lynne femmale age 65

Category: Dermatologist

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Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
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Thank you for your query at
I have reviewed all the images, and there is no sign of infection anywhere.
You do not need Doxium, and since you have started Ciprofloxacin, I will advise you take it 500 mg twice daily for a minimum period of 3 days, just to ensure you do not stop the drug abruptly and then you can stop it. I will advise you to take Claritin ( Loratadine ) 10 mg, which will help in easing the inflammation and itching if present. You can also apply Calamine lotion 2-3 times daily till the skin looks normal. It is just inflamed from the bite, and will settle down.
Please feel free to discuss further,

Patient replied :

One more question just been bitten 3 times nasty mostuitos bites can I tzke a antihistamines indefinitely as I am in Turkey for a while and tend to get bitten regukarly. Also pls advkse why I am talking to a dermatogogist with a vascular problem. Presumably you are a general physicisl should I take the cipro for longer in view of more nasty bites

You can take Claritin till you are exposed to such an environment, however, do try to find a good mosquito repellent as the chances of getting infections like malaria is high with so many nasty bites.
I am a dermatologist, and dermatologists are given training in vascular problems too. You can ask whatever queries you have and I will answer. This query is more dermatology related, with an inflammatory reaction in the skin. Hence, I was assigned this query. And no, I am not a family physician.
See, the reason why Ciprofloxacin was given to you, was because the doctor thought that the area may get infected. Antibiotics are not going to prevent against mosquito-borne diseases. You can continue Ciplox for a week, if you can tolerate it, but the best thing would be to use a mosquito repellent to avoid bites as far as possible.
Feel free to discuss further,

Patient replied :

Hi, bite has gone nearly but still have a swollen lump around the vein area. Wondering if I should take the Doxium just as a precaution. Just worry about side effects, but coes the good outweigh the bad here? Sorry to be so negative , but as I said I do not want to take tablets unnecessarily, but dont want a blood clot either! Also this area in question is always hotter than the rest of my leg. It is o.k pain wise in the morning, but aches in fhe afternoon after walking.
Your advice sould be appreciated.

Yes, as a precautionary measure you can take Doxium.
The area being hotter, indicates inflammation still exists, and it will take some time to completely subside.
You can apply Hydrocortisone ointment on the lump, if it is not healing in the next 3 days.

Patient replied :

I have decided to take the Dioxin until I see my doctor back in the u.k. in 10 days. I have been told 500mg is enough twice daily, so can I cut the green capsules in half or should I go an purchase the proper 500mg tablets. the internet says some tablets should not be cut, and the green coating when the tablet is cut shows the white inside of the tablet.
Your view please, sorry for being stupid!

No, you need to buy proper 500 mg tablets.

Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar
Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
Diploma in Dermatology - Royal College Of Physicians & Surgeons Of Glasgow, UK , 2010
Residency - DNB, Dermatology -  K.J Somaiya Hospital, Mumbai, 2009
Medical School & Internship - MBBS - Dr. D . Y . Patil Medical College, Mumbai, 2004
Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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