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Soreness, pressure in nose after swelling during boxing.

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On March 7th, this Saturday, I’m signed up to fight in a charity boxing event.

On Monday the 23rd of February, I sparred (fought) at my gym. My nose swelled up a lot the next day so I went to the nurse in my workplace and she sent me to get an x-ray. The X-ray results came back with no fracture according to the radiologist and nurse and that I should be ok to fight this Saturday.

A week later (today) the swelling has gone down but when I touch my nose, it is still a little sore and i still have this pressure feeling in my nose but what I'm concerned about is that when I rub my nose I get this crackling sound. Could my nose be broken and both the radiologist and nurse missed it? or is the cracking sound a side effect of a damaged but not broken nose?

Should I go get a second opinion on my nose? I obviously don't want to fight this Saturday if my nose is fractured as it wouldn't be too safe.


FYI I broken my nose 3 years ago playing rugby so i have a bump on the bone where the calcification occured. The part of the nose I'm rubbing is the bone. The septum appears to be fine.


Another thing i forgot to mention, is i have minor sinus issues which are a little worse this week.

Category: ENT Specialist

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Category: ENT Specialist
 26 Doctors Online

Thank you for posting your query at
A normal x-ray of nasal bone usually rule out any fracture. your case it is reported by radiologist
also, so fracture is unlikely.
but nasal bone fracture is a clinical diagnosis and usually diagnosed by palpation over dorsum of nose
and if an obvious crepitus sound present on pressing over dorsum of nose it indicate nasal bone
fracture and sometime a fracture with is not displaced can be missed on xray nasal bone.
so to confirm it needs to be examined and you can get opinion from local ENT specialist if possible.

Hope this helps,

Best regards

Dr. Sunil Jalan
Category: ENT Specialist
DAA (Diploma in asthma and allergy) : Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2012
D.N.B (ENT), 2011
Residency - M.S. (Master post graduate degree in otorhinolaryngology),  Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2009
D.L.O. (Diploma in otorhinolaryngology) - Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2007
Medical School - M.B.B.S, S.P. Medical college, Bikaner, 2004
Dr. Sunil Jalan and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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