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Timny pimples on penis which bleeds after removing.

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hi doctor
my name is kaviraj
recently i noticed very tinny pimples on my pines its like very very tinny and minute
like this some 3 to 5 are around top on my pinnies i am very worried now

i tried to pop few of them, it contains a hard like substance looks white in color and after removing from that area it bleed 3 to 4 drops of blood.

and after removing them the surface looks like a white spot not so clearly but if i observed very carefully than only make out the difference

if i don't do any thing like crushing or try to remove. it be like same for days
may be for months also it be continue i don't know

can u plz help what the reason behind it is it any danger or nay kind of symptom

ill always use the condom when ever i have sex and but i am bit excited when i have so i used to lick pussy and get blow jobs

but two times unfortunately my pines touched the two vigines when i have sex but its like 15 seconds\

and also i read some articles saying that hiv will not effect some times it might take 10 years old patientto develop in that
case how to know if i have such type of disease r not which blood test i have to opt
please doctor let me know

Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

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Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
 30 Doctors Online

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Before I comment further, I would like to see a picture of the bumps as you mentioned. Please do not worry, it does not sound like HIV. Kindly upload a picture and I will get back to you.

Patient replied :

first of all thankyou so much doctor,
it very thankyou for looking into my concern. i attached the screen shots please look into that. before i just want share few things
my latest sexual contact is 11weeks back after that i didnt contact with any person till now. that with condom only. after my latest sexual contact i never sick not even cold flu, fever, or any kind of head ache.
frankaly saying more than 1year i didnt effected with any kind of fever.
But what can i say is this bumps are from last 4months onwards not many but few on arround top of my pines like 3 to 5 arround my private area. my private area is full of hair include top of the pines as well.


Thanks for posting your query. I can understand your concern. I reviewed the picture.

It seems to be a cyst. Its called steatocystoma. It is not a std.

No treatment is required. However it's better to have regular follow ups with your doctor.

In order to rule out Hiv it would be best to get an elisa teat done

Please let me know if you have any queries. Take care

Dr. Kalpana Pathak
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
M.D. from Pt. B D Sharma Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak in 2011 with Haryana State Dental & Medical Council
M.B.B.S from MLN medical college allahabad in 2006 with Uttar Pradesh Medical Council
Dr. Kalpana Pathak and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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