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MY grandfather is 70 year old with complain of right lower quadrant pain past 6-7 days.Slightly elevated WBC & slightly low haemoglobin. No other test done.
contrast CT scan today reports
1. Grossly distended appendix with thickened, edematous & enhancing wall. 42 mm in caliber, wall thickness 9 mm. Marked periappendiceal soft tissue stranding - S/o appendiceal mucocele with acute inflammatory changes.
2. Reactive edematous inflammatory thickening of terminal ileal loop.
3. Multiple diverticular outpouchings are seen involving sigmoid colon and descending colon.
4. Multiple small subcentimeter mesenteric and retroperitoneal lymphnodes are seen.
rest normal
the GI surgeon is recommending
a. immediate LAP surgery with option of converting to open surgery today
b. probability of cancer also
b. says, if visually mass is found, he may better do right hemicolectomy & take biopsy samples as due to his age , he may not be able to undergo another surgery again.
decision time - want second opinion on
A. provided chances of it turning out to be cancer
B. course of action, is right hemicolectomy right course of action in the circumstances
robert lobo

Category: Gastroenterologist, Surgical

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Category: Gastroenterologist, Surgical
 19 Doctors Online

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I totally agree with the evaluation, diagnosis and plan of management
CT scan s/o mucocele of appendix, at the age of 70yrs chances having malignancy is high, needs to go for right hemicolectomy.
Feel free to discuss further,

Dr. Lokesh

Dr. Lokesh HM
Category: Gastroenterologist, Surgical
Fellowship: Minimal Access Surgery (FMAS)
Fellowship: Pancreato-Biliary surgery (FPBS), SGPGI Lucknow, 2012
Senior Residency: MCh, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGI) Lucknow, 2011
Junior Residency: MS, PGIMER, Chandigarh, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, MS from Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) Chandigarh, 2007
Dr. Lokesh HM and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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