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What is UNDETOXIFICATION in terms of DDT?

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I cannot understand clearly the mechanism of toxin such as DDT (undetoxified Toxicants)
Pls. tell me that what is the true means of undetoxification
For example, When 100pcs of DDT enter into the body from lungs or Skin or mouth..Do undetoxification mean only 1-2pcs can be detoxification and almost 98pcs DDT could enter into the blood circulation and attack the cells and after that they stay in fat? // or 97-98pcs of DDT could be detoxified and last 1-2pcs move to the blood and attack the organs or cell and remain the body fat or organs ?
I still cannot understand the meaning of lethal volume of undetoxified Toxins.
As far as I know, DDT attact badly to neuron cells of muscle control. Heart could be stopped by DDT.
If my explanation is right. I could understand the mechanizm
- Body could detoxify 98% of DDT and then only little 2% DDT could be enter into the body and attach the neuron cells, but there are alot of neuron cells for controling the muscle for heart (for example, there are 100 neuron cells for controling the heart beating), alived 2% neuron toxin is only 2-3pcs... So with that such little amount could not prohibit to stop the muscle. (very little)
After attack the 2-3 pcs cells in neuron and then they move to the Fat and stay for long time, but still 98pcs neuron cell is very health, so don't need to worry. but after 2-3pcs neuron cell released from fat and attack again. but stilll we have 96pcs neuron cell. So still OK...
But I cannot understand is if mechanizm is such like that...
And then finially people die with only 2pcs of DDT. Because they attack and attack the important cells .
If body could detoxified 98% of toxicants, that means that last 2-3% toxicant could be detoxified by soon...
(if there is no enzyme in body to detoxify the DDT, 100% DDT should be alive, but if there is enzyme to detoxify DDT
eventhough there need some time to detoxify but it is surely detoxified... Pls. explain me. Thx.

Category: Neurologist, Medical

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Category: Pediatric Neurologist
 19 Doctors Online

Thank you for posting your query at
I can understand your dilemma, as there is very little authentic information on this subject.
However, I would like to point out that to cause toxicity, a large amount of DDT toxin should enter the body. Small amounts of DDT is not very toxic for humans.
DDT may adversely affect hormonal status, and is linked to Alzheimer's disease in one study.
Small amounts of DDT get detoxified, and significant storage does not occur in humans.
Best wishes,
Dr Sudhir Kumar MD DM

Patient replied :

My real concern is not DDT toxification.
I Just want to understand why it is not impossible for some toxin which could not be detoxified by liver or enzyme to attack targeted cells or organs again and again until people die.
I learn that toxin which could not be detoxified is moving to fat or bone and after time flows they released and move to the blood flow and attack the cells or organs again.
That means once toxicant which is not toxified gets into the body, it is going to kill the person after time flows....
But when I find out the books.. there are only two symptoms. one is acute symptoms and the other is chronicle symptoms... And doctors says that if there is no symptom, it is OK...why there is no window periods symptoms. Only one shot could make person die...
Really want to know the reason why it is not impossible. Pls. explain that with scienticfic explanation. Thx.

Thank you for getting back.

The maximum damage usually occurs on day one of toxin exposure, preferably within the first few minutes and hours after the toxin exposure.

Even if a small amount of toxin is not detoxified and left in the body, it would cause minor symptoms, as the amount of toxin would not multiply over time, it would remain the same.

However, if there is continued exposure to the toxin, then, there could be more damage to tissue and cells, and may lead to death in some cases.

Best wishes,
Dr Sudhir Kumar MD DM (Neurology)

Dr. Sudhir Kumar
Category: Pediatric Neurologist
Senior Residency, Fellowship: DM, Neurology, CMC, Vellore, 2001
Junior Residency: MD, Internal Medicine, CMC, Vellore, 1998
Medical School: MBBS, Christian Medical College, Vellore, 1995
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