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I am having problems with my stomach... I was disgnosed with helico pylori. I took the antibiotic treatment and h pylori was eliminated... I still had problems so i decided to take a probiotic, it was a 75 billion lactobacilis acidophilus and bifidobacterium. It caused very bad reactions to me such severe depression and i could not concentrate. It was very bad... Afterwards i ate raw garlic and lots of it for a few days and the bad feelings went away. Then something else started happening. I started dehydrating and just started losing lots of weight... I was then diagnosed with gastritis and esophagsitis along with IBS. I was given antibiotics metrodinazole which helped me out alot. As well by vitamin b12 was double over the limit and my vitamin ds were very low. This all started balancing out afterwards. I took a week of augment as well. Along with other natural therapies such as goat milk and vitamins i gained all my weight back. But still there is some dehydration and i feel as if theres is an imbalance of good and bad bacterias. 2 weeks ago i had food poisoning from some meat i ate and it became much better but i am still having problems with the food poisoning and my stomach is still in pain... I was thinking a round of antibiotics and some yogurt might make things better. what do you recommend. its been a year since ive taken augment which helped me the most. do you think that augmentin again along with some probiotics might do the job?

Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 32 Doctors Online

Thanks for your query at
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
No, Augmentin would not help.
I would like to have some additional information before I can give my opinion.
You have mentioned that you have abdominal pain, I would like more details about it.
.1. Where exactly do you feel the ain?
2. How long does each episode last?
3. Anything that worsens or relieves the pain?
4. Are you on any medications now?
5. Do you have any other medical illness apart from those mentioned?
6. Any tests done so far?
Please get back to me with this information and I would be in a better position to give my opinion.

Patient replied :

The pain is by my stomach... And sometimes its worse... Ifi eat dairy it grts worse... This only started happening after the food poisoning... I feel as if im still food poisoned but much less symptoms... Im still fatigued and tired... It hurts more when i eat... But when i do eat spicy i get somewhat relieved but then it comes back after. I really think a round of antibiotics and some yogurt would do the job... Do u think the bacteria has become resistant to the antibiotics ive taken before even though its been so long since ive taken them.. Ive done the endoscopy and i was diagnosed with gastritis and esophagitis... And ibs.

Thanks for the additional information.

You seem to be having post-infectious Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
You can take the antibiotic Rifaximin 400 mg, thrice a day, for 2 weeks along with probiotics like yoghurt etc.
For pain relief, you can take Librax (chlordiazepoxide and clidinium) once in the night.
Both these medications are prescription drugs and should b etaken in consult with your doctor. Also, Librax should not be stopped abruptly. It has to gradually tapered before stopping.

I hope that was helpful and answers your question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.


Patient replied :

One question about rifaximin... If the overgrowth of bacteria is in the stomach which is where i believe it is... Will rifaximin kill the bad bacteria in the stomach as well or will it only effect the intestines? The reason i ask is because the endoscopy showed no problems in my small intestine... Only my stomach and even when i take yogurt i feel an instant change causing me to believe that the whole problem is in the stomach?

The acidic environment of the stomach prevents any bacteria from growing in it. The only exception to it is the Helicobacter pylori. If you feel your symptoms are due to H,pylori, then you need to confirm it before starting the treatment. You can confirm it with a blood test/breath test.
Rifaximin is more effective for intestinal organisms only. For H.pylori you need triple or quadruple antibiotic therapy.
I hope that answers your question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.

Patient replied :

Im sorry for asking so many questions i just want to be absolutely sure before i do anything... I do not want to make anymore mistakes... In the endescopy it showed my small intestine being perfect... Only my stomach was not doing good... If i had an overgrowth in my intestine then why would i be feeling all the problems in my stomach and why would the endescopy only show problems in the stomach and not the intestine... If the intestine is the problem.

Hello. Thank you for writing to us again.
Can you please send me your endoscopy report? Without that it will be difficult for me to comment.
Once you send it, i can assist you further,
Bactrial overgrowth is something that cannot be visualed in the Endoscopy. That is why there were no findings in the endoscopy. So practially the endocscopy can look perfect or normal. Hope this clarified. Feel free to ask followups. Thank you

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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