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3 month pregnancy with confusion in paternity.

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I have a girl friend and this problel is about her pregnancy.on 25th may 2013 we had made physical relation..and in the month of july she told me that she is pregnant..after that we met doctor and doctor confirmed that she is pregnant..and doctor told me that on 30july the third month of pregnancy had completed..but i did not accept so we checked another hospital and they also said that on 30july the 3rd month had i want to ask that how is this possible...?because before 25th may we did not meet 6 month..means we meet 9th november 2012 and after that we meet 25th may please tell me that how is this possible..because if we see than 25th may to 30july total day 65 days..and doctor and report said that on 30july ,,90 day had please tell me that this baby is mine or not..?i think this is not mine baby...please suggest me and reply...

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If you had intercourse on 25th May, and assuming that she conceived from that act, she would have been ovulating then. So her last period would have been 14 days before that, that is , somewhere around, 11th of May.

If you can tell me the date of her last menstrual period, that would also help me to pinpoint the dates more specifically.

Going by that, 3 months would have been completed on 3rd of August, or end of July.

This confusion is natural in your mind.

Weeks and months of pregnancy are NOT calculated from date of intercourse ( or date of conception ) but from the date of last menstrual period.

Also, if you count from the 11th of May, assuming her last date of period, then you can see that EXACTLY 12 weeks are completed on the 3rd of August.

So the doctors are right in saying that in the end of July, three months are completed.

So, in all possibility, it is your baby, conceived from the sexual intercourse on 25th of May.

I hope you understand what I explained.
Please feel free to ask any further follow up questions.


Patient replied :

Hello mam...
Mam my gf period date is 27to 3..and kabhi kabhi 2ya 3din aage peeche ho jate h..use 27april ko period start hue nd 3rd may ko period khatm ho gye..but may month m 27ko period ni hue..and we had intercourse on 25th may....
25th may k pahle hum dono 6month tak mile bhi nahi..hum dono 9 november 2012 ko mile the..and tab bhi intercourse hua tha..iske bad hum dono 25 may 2013 ko mile..
You are right that 3rd month completed on 3rd august..but ye kse possible h ki 25may ko intercourse hya nd 3rd august ko 3month complete hue pragenency ke..jab ki use period apki btyi hui date m ni hue means 11th may..use period 27april ko hue nd 3rd may ko uske period khatm ho gye and 25 may ko intercourse please clear all about and also clear about my that we can live without tension whole life..please tell me reason and also explain every condition who responsible to get pragenent...please reply ..please

As i already said, if the pregnancy had resulted from the sexual encounter on 25th of may, then 3 months have been completed.

if her period was on 27th of April, then the pregnancy is now in fact even more advanced, 3 and a half months.

I would request you to scan and upload her ultrasound scan report, so that I can give a more precise answer.

Also , if her periods were regular, then she should have had her period on 25th of May ( as last period was on 27th april ), so that means she had irregular cycles , also intercourse just before periods is less likely to result in pregnancy.

So, if she had sex ( other than with you ) after her last period on 27th April, then too this pregnancy could have resulted from that, and even if she conceived on 25th may, then too the pregnancy is 3 months by the end of July.
An exact ultrasound in weeks, will pinpoint the period of conception even better.

Patient replied :

Actually mam i have no report of ultrasound but we had done ultrasound on 3rd august and doctor told me that pragenancy is 11week and 4days..mam i dnt know what is realty but i only want to know that if we had intercourse on 25th may than this is possible that on 3rd august the pragenancy month will be complete 3 month or not..?and 2nd queestion is that how do we count pragenancy month or day?means we count day from that day we had intercourse or from the last day of period..?3rd question is that what is the safe days for intercourse so that when we have intercourse than pragenancy could not possible..?before period and after period which days is safe for intercourse?last and important question is this that how many percantage of chance is that this baby is mine if we had intercourse on 25th may and pragenancy 3rd month complete on 3rd august..this is true or not..?and mam she is good girl but my real confusion is that if we had intercourse on 25th may than how is this possible that pragenancy 3rd month complete on 3rd august..?bcoz as i know and from my view the preganancy will be start from 25th how this is please tell me that which day we count pregancy month means from last intercourse day or last period date...?and last if we had intercourse on 25th may than pragenancy 3month will be complete on 3rd august or not..?
Sry for asking same question but mam i want to clear everything so that my confusion clear and we can live whole lifecwithout tension...sry mam..but please explain all things and clear my confusion...i am highly obliged to you..

If the ultrasound on 3rd August showed 11 wks and 4 days, then yes, she most probably conceived on 25th May only.

Days of pregnancy are counted from the date of the last period, and not from the day of intercourse. So yes, it is correct that if you had intercourse on 25th of May and she conceived then, that 3 months will be completed by 3rd of August.

Just immediately after periods ( 3 - 4 days ) and 3 - 4 days before periods, generally are safe days, but ovulation is unpredictable, so there is no guarantee that pregnancy will not result from intercourse during these days.

If you had intercourse on 25th of may, and ultrasound shows 11wk4d on 3rd of August, then chances are very high that the baby is yours, unless she had sex with somebody else on days very close to 25th of April.

As the pregnancy is counted from date of last period, not from the day of intercourse, the counting is from before 25th may, so it is possible and natural that pregnancy is 3 months on 3rd of august.

I understand your anxiety and concern, and i do not mind if you ask me repeatedly the same question, but the answer too would be the same.
take care.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
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