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Acute sinsusitis.

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Hello, I came down with chills, for a few days and I thought my allergies where getting me, after I got a higher allergy shot dosage, then I see a few days later I have a cold virus it came on me with this tickle in my throat and I could not stop so much drainage taking off in my chest - I have been doing mucinx cvs 200 brand a few a day and I have tried some robitussin, now I have a terrible headache and achy chest like stuff is pilled up in there hurting, yesterday was day 5 and I had the bathroom runs for a short time, do you think this is just a virus the headache is scary now for me, and my poor tummy is upset not wanting me to take medicine what can I do I have mucinex with phe. 5 mg, I have robitussin cough and chest congestion, and just not sure what I need I just want it gone I am even afraid to do my allergy shot on Friday due to it could make me worse I am so tired I don't want to do much anyway. should I try 600 mucinex,i am doing chicken soup to help the soreness I am feeling it hurts bad.. I may need to go to my doctor today, now my stomach does not want any meds or I feel iwill throw them up I would like help from 134543..

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 32 Doctors Online


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You seem to have an infection, not just allergy and a possible sinusitis. The cause is most likely to be a virus.
Sinusitis occurs when there is inflammation in the sinus spaces in the head. You can continue Mucinex in the current dose. Robitussin is not really required. You can take a paiin medication for the headache - Something like Tylenol 2-3 times a day. Most important thing you should do is a steam inhalation. You should do a steam inhalation twice a day. You should inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. This will open up the sinuses and will reduce the inflammation.
Sometimes you might require an antibiotic for the infection, especially if the symptoms persists. Your Doctor can prescribe you one course of antibiotic in that case.

There is nothing to worry as the headache will resolve completely with treatement. The stomach upset could be due to the virus or from the medications. This should settle down on its own. No specific treatment is required.

I will keep this consult open so that you can get back to me any time.

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups
Thank you

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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