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Hot flashes with peri-menopausal and previous BLADDER CA.

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52 year old female, peri menopausal started about a year ago, hot flashes. hx bladder ca low grade, develop small tumors and have them removed in Dr office over past 5 years old patient Dr not concerned this is what this type of Bladder tumor does and you just remove them. I recently had a breast reduction under general anesthesia, and after that had 3 sm bladder tumors removed with a biopsy to confirm grade. They are still low grade will cont on same treatment plan. I just had blood work done and my urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio serum was elevated 31.0 urea nitrogen, blood was 24 , this has never been elevated before. wondering if anesthesia and removal of tumors could have elevated this , I am also have more frequency with hot flashes since having breast reduction. Thanks,

Category: Urologist

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Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
 19 Doctors Online

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You should stop worrying about urea and creatinine ratio. Your urea levels are fine and creatinine levels must be low and hence the high ratio. Low creatinine levels are desirable and not a problem.
The hot flushes are because of withdrawal of estrogen and you should see your doctor and consider starting estrogen replacement therapy or flavanoids.

Take care
Rajiv Goel

Patient replied :

Thank you for your response. Just so I understand. My ratio. Of 31. Is. Fine because mmy creatinine is 0.8. But my BUN is 24. And this is not concerning either. Just want to make sure. This elevation doesn't need to be rechecked

Yes, this does not have to be rechecked.

Dr. Rajiv Goel
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
MCh(urology) Medical Council of India
Fellow, Laparoscopic urology, Germany
Fellow, Urooncology and Robotic urology, Australia
Felloship - MCH, Urology/Genito-Urinary Surgery, AIIMS, 2004
Residency - MS, Master of Surgery, AIIMS, 2001
Medical School - MBBS, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, AIIMS, 1998
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