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Boyfriend developed small bumps on penis

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I am a 35 year old sexually active female. Recently my boyfriend, 31, developed some small bumps on his penis. The bumps came a little less than 2 days after we had unprotected sex. We normally use condoms but we've had unprotected sex about 4 times. Because the bumps followed immediately after, he is blaming me. Here is our history. We've been together for about 6 months. Prior to our relationship, his previous sexual partner was about 6 months prior. My previous sexual partner was about 4 months prior. I had my annual gyny exam right before we started our relationship and had my normal pap, a chlamydia and HPV screen. All came back negative. My history with genital issues includes ingrown hairs. I had the first when I was 13, before I was sexually active, and it was diagnosed by a doctor. I've had less than 10 reoccurrences since. They've all been the same singular hard bump that is painful but goes away within about a week with hot compresses. I also had hemorrhoids after the birth of both my children and two separate reoccurrences. I did not seek medical treatment for them. I also get yeast infections on occasion, usually following antibiotics. They clear with OTC treatments although one time I did need an oral medication from my doctor. That is all I've ever had going on in the genital region. My boyfriend had an itchy penis prior to our relationship starting. He thought it was jock itch and treated with multiple OTC treatments without success. He finally went to a dermatologist who diagnosed him with a male yeast infection. He was prescribed some kind of soap and then at a follow up was given a cream to rub on for a topical dermatitis of some sort caused by the soap. He used the cream faithfully for about a week and then stopped using it when the symptoms resolved. He stopped using the cream approximately 2 weeks before the bumps. My question is, do you know what this is? I'm attaching a picture I found online. He would not let me take a picture but I found this one online and it's exactly what his bumps look like. There are about 5 or 6 of them. He says they do not itch or hurt. He did scrape at one of them and it bled a little and has since scabbed. No discharge. The bumps have remained the same size for about a week and have not gotten better or worse. He believes them to be warts and he's angry and accusing. I'm worried and slightly offended. Could I have been misdiagnosing my ingrown hair/hemorrhoids and given him something? Could he have already had it and the symptoms are only showing now? Or do you think this is related to his dermatology issues he had previously? I hope you can help. I thought about making an appointment with my doctor but I have no symptoms so I'm not even sure what to have him check. My boyfriend is to embarrassed to go to the doctor. Help??

Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

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Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
 29 Doctors Online


Thanks for your query.

I can understand your concern.

The picture you have sent is of molluscum contagiosum. Its a viral infection of the skin. It is usually sexually transmitted when present in the genital area.

The incubation period could be a few days to a few months, hence its difficult to say whether it has come from you or not.

Regarding the misdiagnosis of your ingrown hair, I would need to see the lesions to make sure of the diagnosis.

Its not related to yeast infection, since your boyfriend was diagnosed with that, it is unrelated to that.

The treatment for it would be getting the lesions needled out by a dermatologist.

It resolves after removal of the lesions, however since its a viral infection, it may recur again since the virus at times may reside in the surrounding skin.

I hope you got some light into the situation now.I do understand that you still might have queries in your mind. PLease feel free to ask them. I will try to clarify them in my further replies.

Take care.
Thank you

Patient replied :

So after reading your response he let me take a photo. This is him, not something I found on the internet. I again asked about other symptoms. There's no itching or pain. No discharge. Flesh colored. They haven't gotten better or worse. Same diagnosis?

Yes, Same diagnosis mostly. From the picture, it seems to be molluscum.
In case you can send me one more picture, which is clearer it would be better as this is a little blurred.

Thank you

Patient replied :

Sorry it took me so long to respond. Here is another picture. From this angle it looks bigger than it actually is, but it is clearer I believe.


Thanks for your reply.

This picture also shows that he has molluscum contagiosum which is a viral infection.

The treatment for it would be needling out the lesions by your dermatologist.

Take care.

Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar
Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
Diploma in Dermatology - Royal College Of Physicians & Surgeons Of Glasgow, UK , 2010
Residency - DNB, Dermatology -  K.J Somaiya Hospital, Mumbai, 2009
Medical School & Internship - MBBS - Dr. D . Y . Patil Medical College, Mumbai, 2004
Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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