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Mid stage breast cancer (by very experienced breast specialist in hong kong) by Verbal diagnosis after she did ultrasound. Didn't say which stage. Doctors can really tell just by ultrasound? Biospy has been done, but I am too impatient for the result and crying daily already. She said now breast cancer is above 80 percent curable. I did mammogram last year April and also gyncelogist and general phyiscian felt the breast without lump during health check (last year April). This year during health body check up, I had another mammogram last week after body checkup 10 days ago when the general physician felt a lump. The attached ultrasound is from last week (not the one the breast specialist did on site), and it states is 1cm. But I can feel is much bigger than that. Its hard also. Do you think I have chance of a later stage breast cancer. I am sure now that I probably have it, but hope not in stage 3 or 4. And not curable.

Ultrasound of Breasts:

The texture is seen in the right breast at the 2óclock position, 2cm from the nipple, measuring 1.3x1.1x1.4cm. The lesion is ill-defined and solid with a heterogenic texture. The outline of the lesion is not entirely well-defined. FNA of the lesion under ultrasound guidance or an exclusional biopsy would be prudent. The left breast is normal. The axillae are clear.


Bilaterial Mammogram

Medio-lateral obilique and cranio caudal views of both breasts were done. No abnormal mass lesions, worrisome calcifications or architectural distortion of the breast tissue are noted. The veins are no dilated. No skin thickening is seen. The axillae are clear.

Category: Oncologist

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Category: Hematologist
 30 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at

From the available report, I can say, this is a very early stage
cancer T stage 1 c. Since no nodes are described, I suggest as N0.
A metatstatic work up of Chest x ray and an US abdomen may be needed for comment on M status. So your stage as per available report will be T1cN0Mx, which is still stage I disease. I will not fear about this
disease with stage 1 status. I will suggest you to plan for surgery at
the earliest and provide me the pathology report which will be the
final staging investigation of the disease.

Hope your doubt is clarified.

Kind regards
Dr.E.Prasad, M.B.B.S., D.M.R.T., M.D., D.M (Onco)

Dr. Prasad Eswaran
Category: Hematologist
Doctorate in Medicine (Fellowship in Oncology), DM,  Madras Medical College & Govt. General Hospital, Chennai, India.

Doctor of Medicine (Residency in Radiation Oncology) , MD, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India, 2004-06.

Diploma in Medical Radiology & Therapy (Residency in Radiation Oncology), D.M.R.T, Madras Medical College & Govt. General Hospital, Chennai, India, 2004-06.

Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery - M.B.B.S, Govt. Stanley Medical College & Hospital, Chennai, India, 1998-2004.
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