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Chances of pregnancy with protected intercourse just before period

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Hello! Please help, i'm in relationship with a girl from last one year and its a long distance relationship. We are planning to meet 24 of sept which is after few day. Her period is already one day late, and its normal because every month her period dates changes.
My question is it is safe to have protected sex(condom) before her period comes? As i mentioned her period is already one day late. How many days before it is safe to have protected sex before and after her period? Whats the chance of getting pregranant? Can she take contraceptive pills aftr protected intercourse just for assurance of not getting pregranant? Please reply fast

Category: Sexologist

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 28 Doctors Online


Thanks for writing to us with your query at DoctorSpring.

Normally, for 1 - 2 days before the period, and for the next 1 - 2 days AFTER her period, you can be very reasonably sure that pregnancy will NOT result from the sexual encounter .
However, yes, it is always safer to use a condom.
That way, you would further minimize the chances of pregnancy.
As her period is late, you cannot be sure about the dates of the period.
She can take an emergency contraceptive pill within 72 hours of sex ( the earlier the better ) to further reduce the risk of pregnancy.
Please remember that emergency contraceptive pills should be a one off thing, taken in an ' emergency ' and do not substitute regular contraception.
After taking the pill ( I pill for example ), she would have withdrawal bleeding within a few days.
Normally ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the cycle, if you consider day of starting periods as day 1, however, sperm can survive for upto 5 days in the female genital tract.
So day 10 to day 20 are definitely not safe, and in case of irregular cycles, this time frame cannot be reliably pinpointed.
Hence, do not take any risks, and use a condom plus take an emergency contraceptive.
All the best.

Please feel free to discuss further if you have any more questions.

Patient replied :

Hello mam
I am still confused, tell me in simple language please it is safe to have protected sex(condom) before her period comes? As i mentioned her period is already one day late. How many days before it is safe to have protected sex before and after her period? Whats the chance of getting pregranant? Can she take contraceptive pills aftr protected intercourse just for assurance of not getting pregranant? Please reply fast


Consider Day 1 as her 1st Day of menstrual period.
Then Day 10 to Day 20 are NOT safe for sure. (Other Days also has small risk).
So naturally 1 or 2 days before her periods is safe.

Now, no one can be 100% sure. So do use condom.

Also you can use an emergency contraceptive pill (like iPill / Unwanted) within 72 hours of having sex, just to be sure. (Please do not use this regularly). Normal contraceptives will not work. So ask for emergency contraceptive pills.

Hope this helps
Thank you

Patient replied :

Please mention how many days before it is safe to have protected sex with her before her period comes? Like 1day 2 days....5days. also mention after how many days of period. As i have heared people saying its not safe to have sex before 7 days and after 7days of period. Can she get pregnant even if i have protected sex using condom with her before one day of her period? Is it safe for her health also? I hope i made you understand my problem as i am not got in english

If periods are regular.

Upto 8 days before the periods is safe.
10 days from the date of periods also relatively safe. (including the days of periods)

("As i have heared people saying its not safe to have sex before 7 days and after 7days of period"- This is WRONG)

But you will need to use condoms. There is no risk for health. If you use condoms, if it safe and pregnancy is not likely.

Hope this clarifies
Thank you.

Patient replied :

Thanks. Upto to 8 days before? what that means? does that means i can have sex(using condom)even if her period come next day? After her period gets over we can have sex after 10days of period getting over? ryt mam?

Yes upto 8 days before.
does that means i can have sex(using condom)even if her period come next day? - YES

After her period gets over we can have sex after 10days of period getting over? - NO. Count from the first day of period. So if she has 4 day periods, You can have sex upto 6 days after her periods. And do use condoms.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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