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Chest pain, cramps, cold sweats with sore throat.

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Hi this is probably for and ENT Doctor :)
I have had the most nervous month probably ever.
I got married on 1st august and through the preparations I went though a lot of stress , Can't remember ever having so much stress for so long.
Suppose to be happiest days ever , turned into most stressful days ever.
I had chest pains, muscle cramps around my chest, slight sore throat for maybe a day or two, never had any fever, did have cold sweats at night often, still have them sometimes.

My main concern now is that all the funny symptoms are gone about 2 weeks ago but my right tonsil remains swollen I believer about 3-4 weeks already and I don't have any other symptoms, no fever , no sore throat, I am very worried it could be something serious, I don't want to even type the C word.

I went to a GP around 5th Aug, and because of my chest pains he convinced me to go to the hospital nearby and get my heart checked.
I did that, had an ECG, and X-Ray of my lungs which was all clear. I Denied staying overnight for heart tests as I am convinced nothing wrong with my heart.
Then few days later I went to another GP ( my family doc). At that point I had swollen tonsil and absolutely no other symptoms.
He gave me antibiotics for 1 week, can't remember the name of them.
That didn't do anything, 1 week later I came to see him again and he switched me to AVELOX, I went though 5 day course, with no results, and came back to him , he gave me another 5 days dose, after 4 days I went to see him and ask him to divert me to a ENT. on the same day (which was yesterday) I went to see ENT.
He examined me, took a swab test, used a camera to look though my nose until my voice canal, didn't seem to find anything suspicious. Oh and he removed a stone which was bugging me which was on the swollen tonsil, it was under the skin which i told him i couldn't manage to remove myself :)
ENT doc told me to stop taking AVELOX and gave me:
Probiotics One month's does and told me to finish them regardless
Mouth Rinse
Danzen Pills for swelling
Difflam Spray for my throat
Also game my antibiotics but he said not to take them until he gets the swab test results back about 4 days later
and he will email me the results.
This is because I am flying off for my honeymoon and I will be traveling for about 20 days.

Ent docs also noticed that I have some reflux.

I am very worried, why the swelling does not go down and combined with no other symptoms.
I can't find anything that would relate to this.

Category: ENT Specialist

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Category: ENT Specialist
 30 Doctors Online


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Your main concern is swelling of right tonsil which is there for more then 3 weeks. A tonsil debris removed recently. And you have completed course of antibiotics.

As you dont have any other symptom. You are examined by a specialist and your endoscopy also normal. I would like to reassure you that every thing is fine. Many time tonsils are of diffrent size. Minimal swelling can be due to imflammation by debris. So no need to take any medicine. Prebiotic no harm.

Hope this helps

Dr. Sunil Jalan

Patient replied :

Dear Sunil,
Thank you for your response, I think I am more worried by not knowing what to expect, everyday I wake up first thing I check is my tonsil and its always the same even though I am taking all the meds. I've never had tonsil enlraged for more then a few days before so this is really strange.
How long could the swelling probably stay there.


I think you need not to worry about difference in size of tonsil. If you want a regular follow up done by local ENT specialist after 3 months.

Hope this helps

Dr. Sunil Jalan

Dr. Sunil Jalan
Category: ENT Specialist
DAA (Diploma in asthma and allergy) : Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2012
D.N.B (ENT), 2011
Residency - M.S. (Master post graduate degree in otorhinolaryngology),  Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2009
D.L.O. (Diploma in otorhinolaryngology) - Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2007
Medical School - M.B.B.S, S.P. Medical college, Bikaner, 2004
Dr. Sunil Jalan and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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