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Chronic Asthma with coughing.

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I had asthma as a child and the past 2 weeks I have been coughing every night and few morning...aswell as cough fits at work.( I work in a kitchen). Everytime I cough, my throat/chest gets tight, wheezy and sometimes hard to breath. A few times, I walk distance to work and that's 5/10minutes walk...I feel out of breath. Do you think asthma has reoccurred? Or anything? People thinks it's a cold, however I don't have any ill symptoms?

Category: Pulmonologist

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Category: Allergy and Immunologist
 29 Doctors Online


Regards from Doctorspring.
Your symptoms are typical of bronchial asthma (late night and early morning cough, exercise induced cough, wheeze), and they are being precipitated by cold weather.
Having a past history of asthma, you are prone to have recurrent attacks of the same.
asthmatics may not feel symptoms always. even if they have mild - moderate symptoms, we usually ignore it to fatigue, exertion etc. only when it becomes moderate to severe do they consider as activity restricting asthma. Possibly the change in weather might have triggered asthma. You need to suppress the disease by a disease modifier.

Suggest a treatment plan for asthma - as it is causing symptoms i night, it is classified as "moderate persistant asthma".
The best approach would be a Steroid + Long acting beta agonist inhaler twice a day regularly, for 2- 3 weeks AFTER total symptom control. Once you are asymptomatic for 2- 3 weeks ( or after climate change), can taper down / stop the inhalers.

Hope this helped.please feel free to ask any clarifications if needed.

Dr. Jacob George P

Dr. Jacob George Pulinilkunnathil
Category: Allergy and Immunologist
Residency, Post Graduation: MD, Respiratory Medicine, J L N Medical College, Ajmer, Rajasthan (2012).
Medical School, Internship: MBBS, Government Medical College, Kottayam, 2001-07 
Indian Diploma in Critical Care Medicine (IDCCM) - Medical Trust Hospital, 2013-2014.
Dr. Jacob George Pulinilkunnathil and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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