Thanks for your question and concern. As said by you, you have been cured from the chlamydia but you are still facing the problem of having irregular pee with a very bad smell. Though your latest test done for chlamydia has come up to be negative but there are chances of having any STDs. You need to go to your doctor and get all your tests done so make sure that you are not suffering from any STDs which are being very common these days. You should also know that lots of STDs are curable these days with the different treatments available so must not worry muchabout it. The major point is catching the infection on time before it reaches the critical stage. You can probably discuss all this with your doctor and let them advise you on this. Or you can also visit any GUM clinic and get the testing done. You could also speak to a nurse at some of the helplines available at free of cost. You can also get a proper checkup done by your GP. It would be good if your test show up as negative, but then you must have a session with your doctor on the various sexually transmitted infections and diseases and how can protect yourself from getting affected by such infections. The most important thing to avoid such infections is to use condom every time you have sex with your partner in future. If all your tests are clear then your doctor could probably tell you the real cause of your problem along with the solution that could be some treatment or through medications. Best wishes.