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Cramping, brown spotting on emergency pill after sex.

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I had unprotected sex on anywhere from day 7 of my cycle to day 11. Not really sure because I'm not totally sure what did my period started in April. My partner did pull out and I took emergency contraception the following day. I took 4 Minastrin FE 24 twice twelve hours apart as recommended to prevent pregnancy. This all happened on may 5. I normally have an average of a 30 day cycle, but it has been much shorter at time. I never felt like I ovulated because I normally have ovulation pain. I had no egg white cervical mucous either. Yesterday I started cramping and today I am still cramping and having brown spotting. It's normal for me to have brown spotting a day or two before my period. How likely is it that I got pregnant? Is it possible for the ECP to cause my period to come earlier? Please help! Thank you

Category: OBGYN

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 32 Doctors Online

Thanks for your query at
ECP can alter the period.
IT can cause a period to come earlier than usual, and also can cause cramping and spotting.
It is not likely to get pregnant from unprotected sex between cycle days 7 - 11 because, ovulation is least likely at that time.
I think this is happening because of the ECP..
However, you can take a pregnancy test around the 30th of May in any case just to be doubly sure.
All the best,
Please feel free to discuss further.

Patient replied :

The brown discharge is less today. I am still cramping in stomach and back somewhat. How effective is minastrin 24 fe as EC? I have always had mittleshmirtz and I never felt that this month. And how likely is it to ovulate early? I've got two children and they were planned. How soon after implantation can you test? My gut is telling me I'm fine but my head won't agree!

See, the efficacy of conventional BC as ECP is not studied, but it would work better than no ECP.

And yes, ovulation is unpredictable after taking an ECP, it might not occur at all.
You can test as early as a week after implantation, to be on the safer side I said 30th of May.
Hope this helps, glad to answer any queries.

Patient replied :

I'm still cramping today. Still no flow but pink and brown on toilet paper. Do you think this is the start of my period? This has been going on for 3 days now. I usually do have some spotting before my period but I wish it would come on already!

This could be either withdrawal bleed due to the ECP, or the spotting that starts before your period.
See how the bleeding progresses over the next few days, you would come to know what it exactly is.

Patient replied :

What exactly is withdrawal bleed? I checked my cervical position and it is medium height I would say and firm. Cramping has subsided. It's been almost two weeks now since the intercourse and taking the minastrin. My period is due around the 25th. I'm on between CD 21 - 24. How likely would you say that it is I would be pregnant? Do you still believe I should not worry about pregnancy? I'm sorry for any repetitive questions. I'm just very nervous!

ECP contains hormones, so following intake of ECP, there is mild spotting / bleeding which indicates withdrawal bleed.
Also, ECP itself can prepone or postpone your next period and lead to alteration in quantity of blood.
So it IS confusing and I dont blame you for repetitive questions.
You are free to ask away !
Yes, I do not think you can be pregnant.
Just take a test 15 days after unprotected sex happened, irrespective of the bleed / spotting.
And give yourself a month or two for regular periods to set in, after intake of ECP.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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