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Epiosodic stomach pain with dark stool. Treatment?

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Hello, I am a 22 year old female. I have been experiencing severe, episodic stomach pain for about two weeks now. It often wales me up at night. Taking Pepto Bismol and eating has offered some relief, but the pain has been increasing still. My stomach is making a lot of rumbling and gurgling sounds as well. My stool has been dark, almost blackish since the pain began. I am going to call my doctor first thing tomorrow morning, but I am wondering if I need to take more immediate action.

Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 25 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
Episodic abdominal pain that wakes you up from sleep with some relief with pepto bismol could be due to peptic ulcer.
The black stool could indicate bleeding internally probably from the ulcer.
It is prudent to go to ER.
An upper GI endoscopy may have to be done to confirm the diagnosis.
Other tests that may have to be done include a complete blood count to see whether there is significant bleed, an ultrasound scan and serum amylase and lipase to look for other causes of abdominal pain like cholecystitis and pancreatitis.
Get medical attention at the earliest.
I hope that answers your question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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