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I ripped frenulum, severe bleeding. What should I do to prevent reoccurance?

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Hi,Last night I ripped my frenulum, it was bleeding a lot for a long long time, so much so that I thought I was going to pass out. I was very worried so I went to A & E today, and the doctor reassured me it would be ok, however I was quite shy, and extremely embarrassed as the doctor was female, and I couldnt bring myself to ask any of the questions I had, even though she was extremely nice about it, and tried to keep me from being embarrassed.After doing a lot of research about it online I have even more questions, and any advice would be greatly appreciated. I was just told to let it heal naturally and keep it clean to avoid any infections...and avoid any type of intercourse for around 6 weeks. However a number of people online seem to have been given antibiotics, or antibiotic cream, and in some cases had a stitch put in?? also when it heals will it look any different??I know the extent of the tear would determine this, but i dont know if mine is just a tear, or if its completely detached now?? Also when it heals, will there be any effect on my future performance, and since its happened once, is this going the be a common reoccurence.....because i dont think i could handle that!!It happened because my partner slipped and hit my penis and crotch, and where my crotch got hit is still very very sore, almost 24 hours later (i didnt mention that to the doc, because i didnt think anything of it, but considering its been almost a day im getting quite worried?)As I said any advice would be greatly appreciated?

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 28 Doctors Online

Hello, Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

A torn frenulum would heal by itself in two weeks time. There is no antibiotic as such needed in your case, just maintenance of hygiene by cleaning the area regularly with water and mild soap should do. A stitch is usually done when there is excessive bleeding from the tear, but as rite now there is no bleeding you would not require a stitch.

Sometimes during the process of healing scar tissue is formed which shortens the frenulum, in such a case you would have problem during intercourse and recurrences can occur. Recurrence of the condition may need a circumcision. A circumcision will alleviate your problems in such a condition.

I suggest you wait for 2 weeks time, if it doesn't resolve then visit your doctor again. The treatment plan would be to go for circumcision. I also advise you to use lubricants during intercourse whether you are using a condom or not.

Hope this helps.
Please feel free to ask follow-up questions

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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