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Infection treated with DOXYCYCLINE, spongy prostate. Can have sex?

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Hi my question is whether I could possibly have an STD or have passed this onto my partner. I had first std screen only a week after possible exposure but started doxycycline for 7 days. Would this treat even in early days if infection? The second test was due to not knowing if 1st was accurate but was was told afterwards that it could have been too soon (11days) after finishing ciprofloxacin do result could not be guaranteed. The 3rd test was negstive 24 days after finishing cipro and the 4th screening was done as my partner was bleeding irregularly although she is on mini pill and I have been told that breakthrough bleeding can occur on the mini pill. She has also had a heavier than normal period. I have only been told by my GP my prostate was spongy and he again referred to prostatitis for my frequent urination listed below. I have had 2 urinalysis done 1 had 30 WBC in but no sign of infection and another under urine microscopy done only a week ago I had less than 10 pus cells less than 25 RBC and less than 25 Epilithial cells with no sign of infection. My GP again referring to the suspected prostatitis
Is there anyway given the history, testing and medication history detailed that I could be infected or have passed anything to my partner, cleared myself and been reinfected by her?\
The guilt of it all is driving me crazy\
Here is a chronology \
25/08/14 exposure - unprotected oral both ways and condom protected vaginal inter course \
30/08/14 2 days worth of 100 mg twice daily Doxycycline I had at home taken\
01/09/14 test for Chlamydia/Gonorrhea/syphillis/HIV+ Doxycycline taken for further 5 days\
05/09/14 neg result for all tests\
09/09/14 1g azithromycin taken due to paranoia despite previous neg test ( I had bad diarrhea about an hour after taking both 500mh tabs)\
Sex with partner around 12/13th\
Tenderness in testicles orchitis diagnosed no epididymis infection suspected on\
16/09/14 10 days ciprofloxacin taken\
06/10 STD test (same screen as before) 11days after cipro\
09/10 neg result \
Sex with partner between 9th-30th\
30/10 same test 24 days after cipro (informed previous test may have been too close to end of anti biotics)\
03/11 neg result\
Sex with partner\
24/11 Doxycycline diagnosed - prostatitis diagnosed by GP Said my prostate felt spongy\
Sex with partner\
01/12 Finished Doxycycline\
18/12 STD Test 17 days after Doxycycline\
24/12 neg result\
Sex with partner - frequent urination 3-4 days after\
31/12 - doxycycline prescribed for prostatitis again 2/3 days urine frequency stops\
5/01 - fever swollen lymph glands in groin/ neck and throat, sore testicles, tender lower abdomen especially left hand side}

Category: ENT Specialist

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Category: ENT Specialist
 20 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at

I can understand you problem

You are suffering from bilateral nasal obstruction with post nasal drip for 2 months, you are also suffering from gastritis, tension headache.

Your CT PNS shows mild sinusitis, so these symptoms are mainly of allergy. You can start fexofenadine and monteleukast for 2- 3 weeks.(Allegra M 120 mg in night). You should use steroid nasal spray two times daily for 6 weeks.

You can do steam inhalation twice.

For reflux with PPI you should follow antireflux measures and life style changes including avoid alcohol, smoking, excessive tea, coffee and spicy food. This will help in headache also.

Hope this helps,
Feel free to discuss further,

Best regards

Dr. Sunil Jalan

Patient replied :

Hi, the main reason I posted this was because the medication was not working. Why would switching to fexofenadine be better than any other antihistamine. I am already taking montelukast (singulair) and using steroid nasal sprays. It simply doesn't help much. Is there another possible cause besides allergies? If it is allergies and the medications are inadequate, what else can be done? Also, sometimes I cough out little tonsiliths that smell horrible. How is the gag reflex related to the allergies? If there is inflammation in the throat/adenoids/uvula, will this get better if the post nasal drip is brought under control? Is it the post nasal drip causing the inflammation or direct contact with the allergens? Should I consider surgery to take out the tonsils, adenoids or uvula? The gag reflex is tough to deal with and it feels a little difficult to breathe (I thought this was because of my distended belly from gastritis but I dunno anymore) Can I expect the allergies to get better, worse, or no change over time? How promising do you think getting allergy shots is for my condition? What kind of side effects do the steroid sprays have? I read somewhere that they can interfere with the function of the cilia which seems counterproductive to me.
regarding the reflux, it is duodenal gastric reflux (reflux of bile into the stomach, not acid into the esophagus, the mayo clinic website suggests that PPIs are not suited for this problem.

The tension type headache is a TMJ dysfunction, my family doctor said that after applying pressure to my joint and my dentist says I grind my teeth a lot which I think confirms it. My doctor pressed my face at the sinus regions and it wasn't painful. I do not drink coffee, only rarely drink alcohol (at dinner with friends are parties but I don't drink much anyways).

Thanks for your reply but I don't think it really brought anything more to what I already knew.


Only extra benefit with fexofenadine is that it is less sedative, so when we use antihistamines for longer duration it is preferred, but truly no extra relief in symptoms. Other then allergy it can be vasomotor rhinitis, that's why I included SMD in treatment option. Your symptoms are not classical allergic( sneezing and watery nasal discharge).

Allergy shots doesn't give any immediate relief, it takes minimum 6 month s for any response, that only in proven allergy.

For bile reflux you need to get consultation from gastro specialist. Steroid spray are quite safe to use for long term.
I know I have written almost same medication, but these are available choices in medical management, surgical options requires if no improvement with medicine including turbinate reduction by diathermy ( SMR). Tonsillectomy will help in tonsillolith. Steroid nasal spray doesn't have any significant side effect.

Hope this helps

Dr. Sunil Jalan

Patient replied :

what does SMD stand for? What causes vasomotor rhinitis? What is used to treat vasomotor rhinitis? Once the post nasal drip is stopped, will the swelling of the uvula stop? The Benadryl has been pretty good at drying me out, but it dries out my mouth as well, I'd like the swelling to go down so I don't feel the gag reflex and then I can bring down the dose on the antihistamine. Are post nasal drip and tonsiliths related?


SMD is submucosal diathermy of inferior turbinate of nose to increase space in nose to get relief from nasal obstruction.
Exact causes of vasomotor rhintis are not known, it is mostly due to irritants including pollution, smoke,spicy food,and emotional changes.
Uvula swelling will not increse or decrease with postnasal drip changes.
Tonsillolith in not related to post nasal drip, it is due accmulation of food particle in tonsillar crepts, this will improve with gargle, or if this is causing recurrecnt tonsil infection or intolerable halitosis (bad breath) than tonsillectomy can be done.
I hope this helps answer all your queries,
Best regards,
Dr. Sunil Jalan

Patient replied :

What is used to treat vasomotor rhinitis? I live in Canada and the air here is pretty good. No one in my household smokes and I don't eat spicy food. The symptoms do not correlate with my emotional state.
Benadryl seems to help but I have to take 150mg every 12 hours which is unsustainable because it sedates me for around 1-2 hours.
Fexofenadine didn't seem to help.
To other people I don't have bad breath, probably because the tonsils aren't that bad.


Treatment for vasomotor rhinitis is same only including antihistamines, nasal steroid sprays.

Benadryl/ cetrizine and fexofenadine all are antihistamine, from more to less sedative. But you are correct benadryl give better results in vasomotor rhinitis and different people have different results. If benadyl working for you, you can continue for some time, slowly this sedation effect will be less intense.

You can try saline nasal drops or spray also.

you should avoid sniffing or pushing secretion posteriorly in mouth.

If medical management fails then only you need to consider for SMD or other surgical options.

Hope this helps

Best regards

Dr. Sunil Jalan

Dr. Sunil Jalan
Category: ENT Specialist
DAA (Diploma in asthma and allergy) : Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2012
D.N.B (ENT), 2011
Residency - M.S. (Master post graduate degree in otorhinolaryngology),  Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2009
D.L.O. (Diploma in otorhinolaryngology) - Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2007
Medical School - M.B.B.S, S.P. Medical college, Bikaner, 2004
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