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Inserted banana into vagina. Chances of BACTERIAL INFECTION.

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I knew it's a bad idea beforehand, but earlier it was like I did without thinking, and I guess I'm just still worried that I didn't do enough after to prevent anything bad

So basically, bit embarrasing to admit, but I inserted an peeled banana into my vagina.
at the most, for like 5-10 seconds and my brain woke up again and I managed to scare myself with the possiblities of bacterial incfection/yeast infection or whatever.

Right after, I took a thorough shower, and inside feels like normal, so I don't think there's any remnant or that it was inside long enough to leave much

Should I just wait and see if it's alright and what signs should I watch out for, and go to see my doctor if appear? I would normally never do this but I think I just acted without thinking to scare myself to see a doctor due to other question. I know it's really stupid, and I feel really embarrassed, but I also feel the need to know what warning signs and possible things to look out for/what may happen , so that if I do get anything from it, I know what to look for, and get treatment asap should I have managed to contract something from a short moment of idiocy.

Also, should I see my doctor about this red little... zit like thing near my vagina that's been there and been itchy for several months? I don't think it's anything dangrous, but it's getting quite irritating to be really itchy there several times a day.

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 28 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at
1. First about the zit, please upload a picture, I would then try and tell you what it is.
2. Regarding the er... banana, you do not have any signs of infection yet. Please relax, these things happen, and nothing has happened right now.
You should see a doctor if you have - burning, itching, redness, a foul discharge, tenderness, burning during urination,burning during sex etc.
If these symptoms do not appear, do not worry.
Don't use any product to cleanse the vagina.
Just clean thoroughly with lukewarm water.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.

Patient replied :

okay, I don't know which is the older photo by name, but the colder light one was taken few months ago. I suppose it don't look much like a zit/stick out as much, but it kinda feels like it when itchy taking picture of it is very hard due to lightning and hair, and shaving just makes me feel itchy, so normally don't, and i don't wish to make myself feel even more itchy than i am ^ ^
i haven't had sex with anyone before, but rarely masturbate w/dildo, so looking out for during sexual activity might be hard, should i just keep in the back of my head, and just focus on the other signs?
should i avoid using soap when washing the outer parts near/surrounding the vagina too? could that be something that contribute to itchyness? (for itchyness i have already or other)
also, how long can it take for symptoms to occur/show due to the err banana thing? if anything, does it usually show rather soon, or can it take a while? if a while, then after what amount of time is it alright to consider everything is fine, and if any of the symptoms occur, is anything you can get from it lethal, or mostly easily treated infections? it would kinda suck to die from... err... yeah

Yes, I cannot see the zit clearly, due to the lighting and the hair.
The second pic is clearer.
IT appears to be some kind of boil ( folliculitis )
That is common in this area, due to lots of hair follicles and sweat glands.
Please use local antibiotic ointment on this area.
Avoid handling / touching / rubbing / shaving for a few days.
IF this does not resolve, you might need to see a doctor for oral antibiotic therapy.
Yes, please watch out for the other symptoms.
Avoid using soap totally, that can lead to dryness and itching.
USe Bactroban 5.5 % ointment over the surrounding areas.
Take care.

Patient replied :

ok, i'll look into that, and avoid using soap when washing myself around there also.
but for banana thing, I'm still left wondering if it's possible to contract something lethal or harmful from it, or if anything that comes from it is not dangerous and easily treatable, and how long after symptoms may present themselves /when I can consider myself safe, and breathe out and move on.

You would have the symptoms for a week maximum.
So don't worry. Hope it helped, Please feel free to discuss further.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
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