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Is PROMETRIUM better than PROVERA in inducing periods?

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I am 58 years old patientold, had Endo ablation, D&C, polypectomy (same time), 4 biopsies, 2 sonohysterograms, upteen pelvic & TV ultrasounds since 2009. Been seen by 3 gynecologists. Was put on Provera for 5 1/2 months, had REALLY heavy bleed, bad mood swings, extremely tired and anxious. Provera thinned lining, last biopsy in Jan. 2014 showed atrophic but, ultrasound showed 7mm thickness??? (Not atrophic in my mind???) Told to take Provera for 14 days every 3 months to bring on period until estrogen levels lower naturally. Provera made me very anxious, moody, depressed and HEAVY non-stop bleeding for a month then, daily spotting/light flow. No bleeding since coming off Provera middle of March of this year but, Gynecologist wants me to provoke a period 4 times a year until estrogen levels drop (which I haven't done yet as I'm terrified!!!) My family physician suggested taking Prometrium instead to lower side effects but, still bring on a shedding.
Which has LESS side effects but, still works to bring on a NORMAL shedding rather than a flood...Provera or Prometrium?

Category: OBGYN

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 32 Doctors Online

Thanks for writing to with your health concern. Firstly, my apologies for the unusual delay. Coming to your queries -
Provera is progesterone, and Prometrium is estrogen basically. To bring on a normal shedding, it is best to make both the hormones work in concert. Prometrium would balance the side effects of non stop Provera, while Provera would help to shed off the lining in time.

It is best to take oral contraceptive ( conventional birth control ) pills which have a combination of both hormones in sequence.
That is the best bet to bring on a normal shedding and normal menstrual bleed.
I hope a Pap smear has also been done.
All the best & Please feel free to discuss further.

Patient replied :

Doctor, I'm sorry but, I think there is an error on your part. Prometrium is NOT estrogen. Prometrium is also progesterone. Therefore, the entire answer you have given me is totally unhelpful and INCORRECT in its content. Nor, did you answer the question that I have asked.
I am NOT satisfied at all with your answer given that your knowledge of the subject is totally incorrect and seems to be contra what it is that I am asking from you. I would have to question your knowledge of this subject in total now as it goes in a totally off base direction with misinformation given to me by you.

I am an InHouse Physician and i have sent your feedback to the concerned specialist.
Kindly let her review and once she does, i will post her reply.
Meanwhile, i have also asked another specialist to review your case.
My sincere apologies, since the previous answer given by her was not convincing enough.
InHouse Physician.

Patient replied :

Doctor, I'm sorry but, I think there is an error on your part. Prometrium is NOT estrogen. Prometrium is also progesterone. Therefore, the entire answer you have given me is totally unhelpful and INCORRECT in its content. Nor, did you answer the question that I have asked.
I am NOT satisfied at all with your answer given that your knowledge of the subject is totally incorrect and seems to be contra what it is that I am asking from you. I would have to question your knowledge of this subject in total now as it goes in a totally off base direction with misinformation given to me by you.

I sincerely apologize.
Prometrium is micronized progestererone and Provera is a depot preparation.
Regarding the side effects, Prometrium has minimal ones, particularly the ones you mentioned.
Also, there is no problem if you do not bleed , I do not understand why your GYN wants a period to be provoked.
You are already 58, and well near natural menopause.
If you do wish to have a withdrawal bleed, then it is best to take Prometrium instead of Provera.
Even if you do not menstruate, it is no issue at all.
Again my apologies, being in India, I got confused with the brand names and I sincerely apologize.
Feel free to discuss further,

Patient replied :

Doctor, I'm sorry but, I think there is an error on your part. Prometrium is NOT estrogen. Prometrium is also progesterone. Therefore, the entire answer you have given me is totally unhelpful and INCORRECT in its content. Nor, did you answer the question that I have asked.
I am NOT satisfied at all with your answer given that your knowledge of the subject is totally incorrect and seems to be contra what it is that I am asking from you. I would have to question your knowledge of this subject in total now as it goes in a totally off base direction with misinformation given to me by you.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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