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Is there anything that should be done by us to make things work?

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Hello doctor, I have checked out with the Doctor and got all the lab work done. The good news is that my husband's physical examination was normal and the semen analysis also came out clean. The sperm count, sperm morphology etc etc all parameters of semen analysis are normal. My hormonal status also came out almost near normal, ultra sonogram did not show any new changes. Does it mean that everything is alright and I can conceive? Then what could be the problem? We have sexual intercourse almost twice a week, or once in two to three days. Is there anything that should be done by us to make things work?

Category: Sexologist

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 19 Doctors Online

Hello, Thanks for writing to us and getting back with the results. That is really a good news. Although you're sexual intercourse timings are not very satisfactory, to make you understand it’s importance I shall try to explain the normal menstrual cycle.

The ovary gives out one ovum each month, this ovum leaves the ovary enters the tube and waits for the sperm to get fertilised with. The ovum waits there until the sperm reaches it, meanwhile the uterus prepares itselves in order to welcome the fertilized ovum. In case the sperm does not reach the ovum, the ovum dies in 24-48 hours which is followed by a period in the next 14 days. Therefore there is ovulation 14 days prior to the period. This is called the fertile period, sexual intercourse in this period almost always gives positive results.

Knowing when this fertile period comes is difficult task in people with poly cystic ovarian disease. There are ovulation strips available in the market and they can used to depict the ovulatory period. Once the strip shows positive mark, you can go ahead with sexual intercourse in that period without fail. This can assure more fruitful results.

Hope this helps.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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