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Lower left abdominal pain and Diverticulitis

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Hi, I am a 25 year old male, smoker, occasional drinker. I live in Singapore. I have been diagnosed with diverticulitis disease after a colonoscopy was done in late June this year. I was having lower left abdominal pain which had me needing a colonoscopy.
2 weeks ago, my diverticulitis pain started again and then I started getting pain in the upper back, mid back and lower back. I was on flagyl. Then the lower left abdomen pain went away and I started having pain in my upper left abdomen during movement, it felt like a muscle pain. It radiated to the back at times. Then that stopped on its own and I started having upper right abdomen pain for the past 4 days which radiates to the back. Its one inch below my rib and it is NOT tender to touch but if I press my finger hard – then I can feel the pain. My doctor did a bloodwork and the results are in the following weblink ( a photograph was taken ): xxxx

The ultrasound was done in late June and the photos will also show you the blood results of June. The date is printed on the left lower side of the document. The November blood test has the date but the ones that were taken in June I think the camera didn’t capture the date. I have a abdomen CT scheduled for tomorrow but I want to find out what could be causing my symptoms? My appetite is normal and I feel hungry, I do not feel tired, I am overweight, 99kg 181cm, no concentration issues, no pain during bowel movement but 4 days ago for 2 days I had bloating after eating with lots of burping. The other pain I have is when I take a deep breath, my chest hurts and I can feel the pain in the back too- a pressure pain.
So, I mean is it any cancer of the liver, pancreas or the gallbladder? Are my ultrasound reports for my liver pancreas and gallbladder still valid? Please advise doc. Thank you. I suffer from hypochondriasis too.

Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 18 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.

I went through your post about the abdominal pain and bloating and also the reports you have attached.
As per your report, your ALT is increased. It could be due to fatty liver which is confirmed by your ultrasound scan.
The most likely cause for fatty liver is obesity. Weight reduction is the first step in the treatment of fatty liver disease.

Diverticulosis occurs if your bowel movements are not good and you are constipated. Take high fiber diet, fiber supplements and drink lot of fluids. When this become inflamed, you get diverticulitis for which you need to take a course of antibiotics.Diverticulitis pain is felt in the left lower abdomen.

In the right upper abdomen , pain usually occurs due to disease involving the liver, gall bladder, ulcer disease and disease involving the pancreas. Your ultrasound scan has ruled out serious diseases involving the liver and gall bladder. Pancreatic problems are often missed in ultarsound scan. CT scan is the right method to diagnose disease involving your pancreas which is scheduled for tomorrow.
For stomach related issues, an upper GI endoscopy should be done.

From the information you have provided, it is less likely that you have any cancer involving the liver, GB or pancreas.

Hope this helps, Please Let me know if I can assist you further.

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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