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Lumpy vagina

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I have a query which is a little embarassing. It involves my vagina :/
Firstly, a little background. I have had two sexual partners. I am 34 and had a baby 1 year ago and am still breastfeeding. I never really examined myself down there but since recent times have noticed that its all very lumpy and bumpy and I'm specifically freaking myself out that I MAY have hpv somehow. I just dont recognise the lumps that seem like my vagina has majorly changed. Im also quite it hy at times but I have read that breastfeeding can cause this? I have taken a couple of pics if required. Also, I went and had a pap test with my doc and am awaiting ghe results.She assured me thateverything looks normal post birth but she isnt an Ob-gyn so I'm still concerned to be honest. Hopefully, I can get a second opinion here.

Oh also, my first partner was a virgin and we are married now.
My second assured mr he only ever had unprotected sex with me and nobody else. I realuse this doesnt matter too much for things like hpv or say herpes but I guess its woeth noting.

Thank you

Category: OBGYN

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 20 Doctors Online

Thanks for writing to with your health concern.

Well, I am an Ob - Gyn, and I assure you that the pictures nowhere have any resemblance to vaginal warts or HPV lesions.

These are normal vaginal skin tags, which are very common after childbirth.
They are often confused with warts.

Your Pap smear will confirm this diagnosis. Do not worry about it, this is not HPV.

All the best. and take care.
Please feel free to discuss further.

Patient replied :

Ok, well that is massively reassuring. Were my pics clear enough to make a fairly definite assesment then? It's just that I've googled sooooo much and have read that 'finger like growths' ate what warts look like(which I think these skin tags further in really look like). I hope my pics gave a clear enough idea. I have even tried the vinegar test to see if they go white (they didnt go white but I do think I set myself on fire for a night :/

Lastly, my pap did not involce a specific test for hpv. Meaning, i didnt ask for anything specific (just a usual pap test) - will this still confirm hpv or not?

Thank you so much for your time and expertise.

Thank you for the appreciation, and for being so kind with your words.

Yes, I would conclusively say that whatever part of the vagina is visible in the pics ( the introitus and the part near it ) does NOT have warts.
Of course, I hope you understand that only after examining you properly ( per vaginum and per speculum ) I can be 100 % sure.

So please go ahead and have that evaluation too with a gynecologist.
A Pap test would pick up an HPV infection for sure.
Diagnosis of warts is confirmed by visual inspection, and a biopsy .
What I mean is I cannot examine the entire vagina and cervix in this picture.
Whatever is visible has no warts.

Rest assured.
God bless and good health always.
Please feel free to write in anytime.

Patient replied :

Once again, thank you SO MUCH. You've hekped calm me down beyond what I can explain!

Considering that you can look and assess I have just tried to take a good pic of the bit further in that I referred to that has me stressing out. I have attached these pics. Can you please confirm that these 'skin tags' are not sinister in appearance please?

From here on I suspect Ill be fine to await my pap result :)

Once again thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Hi again.
Well, thank you for the profuse thanks, its heart warming to be able to do one's job, and make so much difference in somebody's life too !

Have gone through the rest of the pictures too.
Yes, they are not sinister.
I can very well understand your confusion about the warts.
This is vestibular papillomatosis, a common condition confused with genital warts.

Just go through this link -
Please have my diagnosis confirmed by another gynecologist also, who can touch and feel and test the bumps, apart from just looking at the pictures.
Yes, I can say with certainty, you do NOT have genital warts.

Have a great weekend !
Please feel free to write in anytime.
All the best.

Patient replied :

Just when I thought I was done asking questions (lol). Just wondering, can vestibular papilomatosis be confused with genital warts in its early stages easily? Or is it strikingly clear with your knowledge that this is not the case?

I do not mind your questions at all - it is a privilege to be able to answer them !
Be at ease and shoot away anytime.
Yes, the conditions are easily confused, and hence a biopsy is a must.
But I guess I have seen enough of both to be reasonably sure that these are NOT genital warts.
Hence, my emphasis on a second opinion, where the lesions can be actually seen and felt and tested.
Take care .

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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