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Rash in face, neck without itching. Can I take BENADRYL?

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Quick onset rash to face, neck, back, and chest. No itching, fever, dizziness, or swollen tongue/throat. Breathing fine. No history of allergies what so ever, and did not eat anything out of the ordinary or take new medication. Should we seek medical attention immediately or will we be okay until an appointment in the morning? Thinking of taking Benadryl tonight, is that okay? Pictures attached. Thank you.

Category: Cardiologist

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Category: Cardiologist
 18 Doctors Online

Hello Kanha,
Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.
150/90 at such an young age without any history of obesity can be termed as primary hypertension ( where any single cause has not been ascertained ).
Do you suffer from stress? Do you have easy anxiety? IS this the first time you're facing this problem?
Does any one in your family have hypertension?
Do you have symptoms such as giddiness, nausea associated with headache?
Any cardiac complaints in the past?
Kindly reply to the above questions and I will get back to you,

Patient replied :

Thanks for the response. I have gone through a high stress from last 6 months due to my studies. Yes I had anxiety problem too in initial months of high bp problem but now i don't feel ny, only headache nd tighten-ness. I nvr felt giddiness or nausea. Also sir, I had done my cardiac test (ecg nd echo test) but no anomaly found. Also i didn't hav ny cardiac complaints. My mom and dad both r having bp prblm, but they had it in their 50s.

Thank you for the follow up.
In that case you have what is known as primary hypertension, the cause is idiopathic.
If the BP is persistently over 140/90, it has to be brought down and the only way is medicines.
Before that can you get your serum lipid levels and RFT checked?
With these reports, i can suggest you the adequate treatment/ measures.
Once you have the reports, you can upload them.

Patient replied :

Lipid reports uploaded. Also, How often should I measure my blood pressure ? Daily or Weekly?
Secondly, I feel too nervous while measuring my BP, my Heart beats also get very high. Doest it make any difference in accuracy of measurement ?
Last one, Wouldn't there be any side effects if I start eating BP medicines at this age ?

Yes all your reports are normal. That essentially rules out the secondary causes of hypertension.
So in this case there is no other alternative than to start on medication.
You can start with low dose Envas 5 mg twice a day, in consultation with your local physician. They do not cause any long term side effects, rather prevent cardiac damage secondary to hypertension.
You need to monitor your BP and get it checked 3 times. Yes while checking BP some people can get tensed, known as white coat hypertension, that cause also needs to be ruled out. Hence 3 values over a period of one-two weeks, preferably when you're completely stress free should be taken. And the average will be considered your BP.
Once you have the 3 values get back to me, i will keep this consult open.

Patient replied :

Good morning Sir,
As you suggested i consulted my local physician too, he also advised me to start medication. But he suggested my to start 'half' Selekon XL 25 mg in the morning daily.
Is this a safe medicine to start with ?
Also, can I stop my medication once I reach to normal BP levels after few month.

Hello Kanha,
Yes Selekon XL is a safe drug and you can start as advised by your doctor.
However you can't stop BP medicines once you start.
You need to control it by taking the medicines adequately.

Dr. Vivek Mahajan
Category: Cardiologist
Fellowship: DM, Cardiology, PGIMER, 2013
Residency: MD, Internal Medicine, AIIMS, 2007
Internship: King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital, 2003 
Medical School: MBBS, Seth G.S. Medical College, 2002
Dr. Vivek Mahajan and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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