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Severe flatulence after surgery

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I had rectal surgery 10 weeks ago and 7 weeks ago started experiencing severe flatulence

Category: Gastroenterologist, Surgical

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Category: Gastroenterologist, Surgical
 29 Doctors Online


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May I know what was the surgery done ? Ans what was the indication ?
How was the post operative period ?

Do you have any other symptoms besides this flatulence ?

You can reply as a followup

Thank you

Patient replied :

anterior resection open surgery TMS
rectal cancer---noo bag required stroma
10 weeks after surgery i have severe flatulence mostly after eatting
B12 137 pmol/L
feet numb tingle cold
do you think this is upper or lower gi related
last ct and mri scans 3 months ag0
stage 2a rectal cancer T3
do you think flatulence and low b12 are related
and do you think they rectal cancer related
should I consider an abdominal mri now
thank you

Consult reply By. Ratnakar Kini, Medical Gastroenterology.

Thanks for posting your query.
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.

Increased flatulence occurs when the digestion and absorption of nutrients is affected or if there is infection.
Since you are having foul smelling small frequent stools, it is likely that you have infection in the colon.
A stool test may be done.
For relief from flatulence, avoid milk and milk products, cabbage, beans and broccoli.
Take probiotics, simethicone and Beano which are all available as OTC medications for relief.

If the symptoms persists even after the above measures you may require a course of antibiotics. You should get in touch with your Doctor regarding this.

Let me know if I can assist you further.

Patient replied :

would a infection not cause diarehha which i don t have and wouldn t my white blood cell count be abnormal

does my low b12 indicated malabsorption

and is the low b12 and flatulence related

what are the chances my symptoms are related to rectal cancer
thank you


Infection NEED NOT produce loose stools or diarrhoea. It all depends on the type of infection. Vitamin B12 low levels directly will not cause these symptoms. But low B12 is suggestive that its absorption is impaired from the intestines due to a possible infection (bacterial over growth ) or improper absorption.

This is not directly indicative of cancer regrowth.

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups
Thank you

Patient replied :

what does the fact the severe flatulence happens mostly right after i eat indicate.
would an infection not cause low white cell count- blood
what are the chances the cause is in the upper GI
and this is causing indigestion and malabsorption.
what are the chances the flatulence and low b12 are related
is my b12 at 137 pmol/l low enough to cause feet tingle etc
how could surgery effect the small intestine regarding malabsorption
What are the % chances the symptoms are caused by rectal cancer
thank you

% Chance I would not be able to give as I have very limited information. I hope you would understand as I have not seen any of the treatment records. This not actually infection. Its bacterial overgrowth. (infection is only when it goes inside the body). The bacteria is mostly in the intestines only. So it wont affect the white blood cells.

As I said Low vitamin b12 and not directly related. Yes food material can act as a trigger (so also the acid). You can take a B12 containing vitamin supplement.

Hope this helps
Thank you

Dr. Vijay Ramachandran
Category: Gastroenterologist, Surgical
FRCS - Royal College of Surgeons of England
Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery (FMAS)   
Fellowship – IAGES (FIAGES) 
UICC  ICRETT Fellowship (ICR 09-019), MSKCC, New York       
ICS – IS Asia Pacificon International Travelling Fellowship 
M.Ch (Gastrointestinal Surgery) - AIIMS, New Delhi
MS - Calicut Medical College, University of Calicut
MBBS - Calicut Medical College, University of Calicut
Dr. Vijay Ramachandran and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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