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stomach pain and bleeing in stools

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Hi I have been having stomach problems lately and is worried. Recently about 2 weeks ago, I found blood after excretion upon wiping my butt. Then i begun to do research and realize it was probably piles(my mum also checked that the anal hole is red at that time). With piles, I had constipation then diarrhoea together intermittent pains in the abdomen. And I begun to change my diet to include more fibre. Then I had bloating in my stomach. (I also read about IBS, so i thought my symptoms resembles IBS). Now there is no more blood in the stool. But i realize, in the past, about 2 to 3 hours after food, i probably would go to the toilet to excrete. But now, i realize i only excrete in the morning? Is it normal. Also I realize this morning, on an empty stomach (but i drank water), I had burping. And i feel intermittent stinging sensation in my stomach. What is happening?

Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 24 Doctors Online


Thank you for the consult.

Having only 1 bowel movement per day is normal. But there could be something else possibly needing attention. The bleeding could be due to piles. But piles do not usually cause intra-abdominalsymptoms like constipation, bloating up, diarrhoea etc. Piles occur due to dilated blood vessels in the rectum and anal canal(terminal part of the intestine) – so it should not cause all the other symptoms other than pain and bleeding.

So there is a possible pathology in the intestines, probability in the lower intestine. IBS is a possibility. The symptoms do fit. But many other conditions like diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis and Crohn;s disease) should be ruled out.

A digital rectal examination followed a colonoscopy will be the way to go. I recommend you to consult  a Medical Gastroenterologist for this purpose. Meanwhile I would recommend you the following – Eat fibre rich food. Include vegetables and fruits in your diet. Do not strain unnecessarily in the toilet. Avoid milk and dairy products for a couple of weeks and see how the response is. As a matter of fact avoid foods that make you uncomfortable. You may also take a probiotic capsule for a week.

Hope this helps. If you have more queries, please let me know via this email itself. Thank you .

Dr. Cecelia J. Russ
Category: Family Physician-GP
- Medical School - New York Institute of Technology, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Duke University Medical Center, Residency in Family Medicine
Dr. Cecelia J. Russ and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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